Chapter 4: Voluntary slavery

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"Dude," Aziz closed his eyes patiently, blowing some air in a hiss "You are saying it wrong, its m-ar-ha-baan. Try again" His dark pupils turned to Jay, who was biting his inner cheek.

The light in the library had gotten yellowish, making his tan appear even more warm.

"Marhabaan" He was tired, and the time seemed to have flunk. Same as him, half melted on the seat, beanie just above his eyebrows and eyelids no far from closing.

"Close enough" Aziz chuckled "Now you know how to say hi. Happy?" He stated, leaning back in the chair.

"If we had started from greeting like I suggested I would already know this" A week earlier, when they started with these little lessons, Aziz had insisted to star by learning to give basic information. Now Jay found himself able to talk about his life for nearly thirty minutes in semi fluent Arabian, but no one way to initiate a conversation.

"Whatever" Aziz rolled his eyes and closed his book.

Jay was really trying to learn more from Agrabah, to speak well the language, he even visited the library by himself to search for books. As weird as that felt for him.

Queen Belle was the librarian, and she was even more beautiful and simple than Gaston makes it seem. She had seen Jay walk through the doors and stared at him for longer than it was polite, blinking repeatedly. He asked where the language and history sections were, clearing his throat a couple of times and avoiding her gaze; she not only told him where to find them, but guided him there.

Aziz shifted in his seat, smirking at him, letting a couple of phrases out, in perfect Arabian. Jay smirked as well, he only understood a third of what he said, but still thought how hot he looked speaking in that specific language, not that he didn't look hot the rest of the time.

Aziz eyed Jay a little more before leaning a little bit closer. Jay, very aware of the movement, started tugging strains of hair to distract himself from the teen before him.

"Tell me how is it where you come from" Jay opened his mouth ready to protest, not willing to share his personal life with him, but Aziz hushed him "I've told you a bunch of stuff from Agrabah! It's only fair for you to return the favor"

Jay blew some air loudly. Turning his sight around the almost empty library, in hope for a way out.

"I'll return the favor then" His smirk grew, Aziz clenched his jaw, looking at his hands for a bit before Jay sighed, not content on how uncomfortable Aziz appeared "We used to fight a lot, for food, stuff.." Tilting his head a little he whispered "For staying alive"

Then he cleared his throat, ready to make it seem like it didn't really matter.

"The only way to make it, to live a life worth living, is to make sure the rest of them respect ya, aright?" He explained, moving his hands in circles in front of him. His mind racing back to his father angry face. 'What have I told you?' Jafar would say to his twelve year old crying son 'Whoever has the more gold makes the rules' Then Jay would contract over his body, prepare himself for the next punch.

"And I was good at doing that" Jay finished with an absent air over his eyes.

"No kidding" Aziz snorted. Making Jay return to the present.

Jay grinned and pushed him off the chair, panicking for a little, glancing to the floor hoping he wasn't too rough, remembered coldly he wasn't on the isle anymore. He encounter Aziz just laughing. Jay extended a hand, grinning again, relieved.

He was liking these study sessions.

The only downside of it was, as much as he hated to admitted, he had a crush on the guy; and they both liked to flirt, a lot. And they were two hypocritical jealous boys.

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