Chapter 1: A whole new world

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Jay was mad as hell and, entering Maleficent's house, he got madder upon seeing his father. He didn't want to go; how could he allow them to take him?

Jafar was pacing around the room carefully, taking things and sticking them in his pocket. Jay put his strong face as Mal went to her room. She was probably confused, annoyed; they have always mocked Auradon and its residents, and now, there were been sent there for no apparent reason.

It didn't make sense to him, he didn't want to leave the isle, it didn't matter how crappy the life was, he had earned his place there. He took a glance at the room, his father was trying to stick a fork in his overloaded pocket, while Maleficent was talking, with her sharpest voice, about revenge. Cruella was caressing Carlos cheeks, he had a scared look, Cruella admiring his cheeks, full of freckles, activated his anxiety; Jay tensed his back muscles and took a step away.

He walked to his father, who smelled like hard spices, and started emptying his own pockets to him. There were no greetings between the two, just gruntings and hard glances; maybe a smirk or two depending on their mood.

Mal walked out of her room with a bag on her shoulder, looking to the floor and holding a pout. Maleficent was just in front of her, smiling cunningly.

"I know you don't understand," She said despectantly "but I do this for you Mal, for us" She leaned back, stepping up the stairs to sit on her "throne".

"How sending us to Auradon is doing something for me?" Her daughter asked, partly confused, partly expectant.

"You" Pointed at her with her useless scepter "Are going to find the Fairy Godmother's wand and bring it to me" Mal opened the mouth to protest, every time Maleficent had an idea like that, it ended being a fruitless quest, "If not, you're grounded for the rest of your life, Missy"

Mal's eyes started to glow neon green, mirroring Maleficent's. Her's were full of defiance and rage, but her mother's revealed superiority and was accompanied by a cocky smirk. Eventually, the purple haired girl looked away, the pain in her eyes was barely manageable. She did her best to keep her eyes down, not wanting to confront her mother's anymore.

"Evie! I packed makeup and your best clothes" Evil Queen took her daughter's chin and evaluated "But first, we have to get rid of that unibrow. There you'll have real competition" Evie pouted as she directed herself to the table. Evil Queen had a proud smile on her face, she was probably the happiest to send her daughter to Auradon, to find a prince. Not that Evie wasn't comfortable with the idea; she will finally get the life she deserved.

"I need Jay to work, who would fill the shelves in my store?" Jafar walked and posed a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Well Carlos cant go either, I will miss him too much" Cruella petted his hair in a possessive way, making both Mal and Jay shiver.

"Really?" A hint of hope could be traced in Carlos' voice, he felt uncomfortable with his mother's hand on his head, but for a split second, he allowed himself to enjoy it in a way he never did. Evie felt an impulse to go hug him, but she contained herself, that was not allowed on the isle.

Mal exchanged a glance with Jay, only the darkest memories in their eyes. They'll always felt bad for Carlos. It didn't matter how horrid their lives were; Carlos' was worse.

"Of course! Who would run my errands? Do my hair? Wash my baby? Clean my furs?" Cruella was waving her hands in the air, her before sickly thin figure could barely fit into her clothes now.

"I guess I can go" Carlos shrugged, hoping his disappointment wasn't noticeable.

"Carlos" She leaned in to whisper in Carlos' ear "There are dogs in Auradon" He widened his eyes in fear, feeling his mouth dry out. Is not that there were no dogs in the isle, only they either looked like rats, skinny and furless; or were wolves descent. Neither were valuable to Cruella and both scared Carlos.

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