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Shrill screams pierced through the air, full of smoke. She didn't know where it came from, it sounded distant, far away even. Torturous sounds of pain erupted from the unknown person's mouth. She wished that the person would just keep his or her mouth shut, because the agony coursing through her body up to her central nervous system, was excruciating. And driving her nuts. She wanted to scream back, tell the person to stop screaming, and for the pain to go away.

Then she realised she was the one screaming. She couldn't help it. The pain ignited sparks of fire throughout her body, burning her insides. Alarm bells blared in her brain as she looked at the source of her agony - her leg. Her screams became even shriller and high pitched as fear gripped her. She was a doctor, and being one, she could discern that this was bad. Very, very bad. Even in the darkness she could see how much darker her pants have gotten. With the small amount of moonlight, she could see the slight sheen of the blood on her pants, that was how much she had bled. She continued screaming, her voice box and throat not feeling like hers anymore, her body was acting on its own accord.

"Shut up, will you?" Cristina's sharp scream sliced through her haze of pain.

Cristina's scream got through to her, stopping her panicked screams. She told herself to calm down, and breathe deeply, which worked. As she started to calm her quick, frantic breaths down, the earlier happenings rushed into her mind, making her calmness short lived. She replayed the scenes of the plane's extreme turbulence, then the plane spiralling out of the air, then the hard crash in her mind. She remembered the inertia causing her head to jerk back, hitting her head hard on the back of her seat.

She remembered the others. Meredith, Derek, Mark, Lexie, Cristina.

Where were they? A bubble of panic rose up her again, this time with a bout of nausea. They were okay, right? They had to be okay. Cristina was yelling at her, which means that at least one of them were okay. But the others?

Suddenly, she heard a banging sound, coming from behind her. It was seemingly coming from the back of the small plane.

She heard Meredith's voice, asking where the sound was coming from. She heaved another sigh of relief. Meredith was okay. She pointed in the general direction of the back of the plane, in response to Meredith.

She saw Meredith, Cristina and Mark leave the front of the plane, going off to look for the source of the sound, but she couldn't move at all, because of her leg. She felt so useless, the three of them were trying to look for Derek and Lexie, while she could only sit here idly waiting. She tried to push herself up into a sitting position so she could try to see the three of them more clearly, and maybe help to locate the other two.

As she finally managed to push herself up into a sitting position, a spark of pain shot up her spine again, even more intense than before. At that point, she knew she had to examine her injury. Using her hands to tear open her pants, she saw that part of her femur was sticking out. It was an open fracture, which had a higher risk of infection, which may lead to...amputation. She started to panic. She couldn't live life without a leg. Her patients' parents would judge her credibility and never allow her to treat their children ever again. The hospital would kick her out, no one wanted a disabled, crippled amputee for an employee, and certainly no one would want to be treated by such a person.

"Is anyone there?" A voice cut into her panic, "I can't move!"

She recognised the voice as Jerry's, their pilot. She turned to his direction as she saw him struggling hard to get out of his seat. Even in the midst of her panic at the possibility of being an amputee, her physician self took over, as she knew the slightest movement could exacerbate his injuries.

"Jerry, stop moving, you could hurt yourself more!" She told him.

"I think, one of the engines quit. Is anyone else alive?" His voice shook.

"I think all of us are alive," She said, before bursting into hysterical laughter, due to the shock impacted on her body.

"I can't feel my legs. Is that bad?" Jerry questioned, making her cease her laughter abruptly.

'Yeah, I knew that was bad," he said, despondently.

They returned to the silence, that would have been peaceful were they not in this situation. Instead, the air was alive with fear and terror. She could do nothing but sit there, stare up into the sky, and wonder whether they would ever be found. Wonder if Derek and Lexie were still alive.

As she stared at the twinkling stars in the sky, she prayed. She had never been a big believer in God, but this time, she prayed. Prayed for their survival, prayed to be found.

Unconsciously, she was rubbing the rings on her hand, like she always did when she was stressed. It sparked thoughts of Callie, and their beautiful daughter Sofia, which made her yearn for them. Calliope, her gorgeous wife, the one that got her to finally settle down and have a family, the love of her life. Sofia, her happy pill, her ray of sunshine, her everything. She pined for them.

But there was no use pining for them, she thought, if they weren't found, if they didn't survive.

She looked down at her engagement and wedding ring, feeling utterly drained of all hope, when something caught her eye – the shine of her precious gem in the moonlight. Her birthstone, embedded into a ring, made of two thin pieces of smooth wood, same as the wood that made up her wand, twirled together.

At that very moment, a sudden epiphany gripped her, as she felt hope, courage and strength gather back into her.

Sparklers in the night sky {GA x HP}Where stories live. Discover now