Chapter Eleven: Emmett

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     I remained seated for what felt like an eternity, though in reality, it might have been only a few minutes

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     I remained seated for what felt like an eternity, though in reality, it might have been only a few minutes. My thoughts swirled with the encounter with Victoria, her speed and relentlessness echoing through my mind. She posed a threat not only to me but to Bella as well. With a firm jaw and tightened grip on my grimoire, I knew action was necessary.

Rising to my feet, determination fuelled my movements as I set off in the direction Victoria had disappeared, likely pursued by the wolf. With each stride, I navigated through the dense forest, leaping over protruding roots and ducking beneath low-hanging branches. The urgency of the situation spurred me onward, and my senses heightened as I pressed forward into the unknown.

As the sun descended behind a blanket of thick clouds, casting an ominous shadow over the landscape, it felt as though I had stepped into the setting of a chilling horror film. Despite the eerie atmosphere, I forged ahead. Before long, I reached the banks of a wide river that divided the terrain into two distinct halves. I sensed that this marked the boundary between La Push and Cullen's territory. It felt oddly appropriate to have a river dividing the two territories.

As I emerged from the thickets, pushing past bushes, the distant sounds of snarls and snapping jaws filled the air, indicating that the wolves were still in pursuit of Victoria. Beneath me, I observed the river's bend, with sizable rocks nestled along its bank, seamlessly blending into the natural landscape. I ventured down the slope, my determination fueling each step, convinced that Victoria would emerge from that very spot.

My suspicions were confirmed as Victoria leapt from a higher point on the right side of the river. Victoria blurred into motion; her movements too swift for me to track. As she landed and bolted up the slope, I braced myself to pursue, but another figure followed her trajectory. Mid-leap, I recognized Emmett, his muscular frame outlined against the sky. Dressed in jeans, a white vest, and a hoodie, he launched himself across the river, aiming to follow Victoria.

Just as Emmett was about to reach the opposite bank, a wolf lunged out of nowhere, colliding with him in mid-air. The impact sent them both careening off course, crashing into the rocky bank before tumbling into the frigid waters below. As the wolf stood its ground, its menacing growls echoing in the air, I recognized the distinctive fur patterns—it was Paul.

Emmett emerged from the water, teeth bared in a fierce growl of his own, a primal challenge to Paul's attack. There was no use in attempting to conceal myself; they were already familiar with me. But I sensed they were aware of my presence as well. 


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