Chapter 4 Face to Face

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It's the 2nd day of school and I just woke up from my alarm clock. I check the time and it's 7:00 AM. The class starts at 8:30 AM. so 1 hour and 30 minutes... Today is Tuesday... so I'm gonna wear a vest. The SCHOOL VEST! I jump from my bed making Riku startled. Open my closet and grab my new uniform the white blouse long sleeves and black skirts and socks. Next to it was my red school vest. Since my other uniform is in the laundry. I grab my towel to take a shower.

When I open the door of my room. I saw brother, who already wore his uniform. White polo long sleeves with a dark blue necktie, and Red vest. His polo didn't tuck in his black school pant that reaches his ankle showing his white socks. "What?" I look at his face again and said: "Why your polo hasn't tucked in?" He looks at his polo that hasn't tucked in. "Why are you asking?" I give him a stoic face and said "Why are you questioning my question?" He snorts "Why are you asking my question?" I just stare at him and stand in my toes, put my hand in his shoulder, and the other one in his head. Shuffling his hair harshly, "Whose the gooooood~ boy! Aren't you such a good WOLF~!" Bro on the other hand wide his eye and his veins pop out in his head. He removes my hands and squishes my face. "You brat! how can you talk to your older brother in that way!" I hold his hand trying to release myself. "SAAAAAAAAAAAAY~ WOOPH WOOPH~" Bro pissed off level is reach in 10 now. He put his hand away from my face and push me on the floor and tickles me. "STOOOOOOOP!!!!"

"WHOSE THE GOOD BOY HUH!! LET'S SEE ABOUT THAT YOU DAMN BRAT!!" He tickles me to in my neck which is my sensitive spot to be tickle. "I'M-I'M SO- WAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA STOP IT PLEASE BROTHEEEEEEEEER!! WAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" My eyes starting to tears and I try to push brother away from me but it didn't work. My hysterical laugh is getting louder and louder. With too much sensation I feel right now. I raise my fist with some force somewhere.


Brother stop tickles me and when I look at him. Pfffft! I hit his jaw with the fist I raise. He steps back and sits on the floor. He holds his jaw, I release a loud laugh and point him. "THAT WAS HILARIOUS!" I stand up and wipe my tears. Brother stand and stare at me as he wanna kill me right now at the same time. "JULIAAAAAAAAAAAAA" He leaps at me and headlock me while I smack his arm around my neck!






A door abruptly open, and it's the door from our parent's room. We both stop what we did. We both know whose gonna appear. When we both see the person. SWEATDROP, Bro let go of me, and I get my towel also brother's bag and pass it to him from the floor. "Go-Good M-Morning Mom.." We both say that "YOU......LITTLES.....BRATS.....YOU...BOTH...SURE...HAD....A...PLENTY....ENERGY....HUH! why don't you both come here." I and Bro just stare at mom, didn't even move even a single muscle. Who would go near mom with her weapon. The Killer Hanger... "I said COME HERE." The last two words are command. No, all the words are command. I step back ready to run downstairs. "Where are you going JULIA." Flinch from mom's voice. "I um...I'm going to take a shower..."

"Then give mama a cuddle first." I and Bro look at each other then went to look mom again. We shake our heads in opposing our mom's cuddles. "No? Why?" We both just silent. "Well, If you both don't come here. Then mama gonna come then!" Bro takes a step back also. When Mom takes her the first step. We both run so fast in downstair and went to the kitchen. Running around the table. "COME HERE YOU BRATS! LET ME TEACH YOU HOW TO SHUT UP EARLY IN THE MORNING!" Brother went outside the kitchen first and I follow him "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!"

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