Chapter Six ∞ Trouble

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Erza Scarlet

We were welcomed by some of the people in the kingdom as we made our way to see princess Hisui.

But she was acting a bit strange, the moment we approached her, she seemed to be secretive, wearing a hood that hid her appearance and I made note that she hadn't had any guard beside her, which was very rare for someone who belonged in a royal family.


"Don't ," she said, cutting me off before I could even had the chance to ask her. "follow me,"

Natsu and the others exchanged curious glances, but they kept quiet and followed the princess's order. I was somehow afraid that this thing wasn't as easy as it seemed and that maybe I got my team into another trouble. However I made sure to trust the princess as to what she wanted us to do.

And thinking about her safety, I decided to protect her although I wasn't even sure if we were in the right path.

I noticed she was taking glances to her left and right, making sure that no one was following us.

It was obvious that, for some reasons, she slipped out of the castle without anyone noticing. In this case, everyone might have been looking for her, which was a bit dangerous for us. And for her.

But instead of stopping, I knew this matter was somewhat private and all we had to do was put our faith into whatever was going to happen. We followed the princess in complete silence until we came into a halt.

The location seemed to be darker than what we got used to, there was no source of light from the inside. The tomb in front of us opened voluntarily, making the others jolt up in shock but quickly regained composure as we crept into the darkness.

Princess Hisui abruptly stopped and took a glance across her shoulder, making sure that no one aside from us followed her before completely entering the cave. I nodded, and she complied, taking us deeper inside of the lair..

The water glided from the ceiling and rushed past my cheeks, sending shivers down my spine. I looked up and spotted similar crystal-like dew of water, which I found mesmerizing. 

"This is it," I heard Gajeel mumble.

The princess stopped and turned to see us all clearly, removing her hood.

"I know you are a bit confused." She stated sternly. Sensing the serious atmosphere, I shot Natsu a glare before he could even say a word, making him stop awkwardly.

"The king might have been looking for you," I warned.

"I know that. Which is why we should get things done as soon as possible."

"Very well."

"The dragon's Lair..."

I turned to my side and realized that blue orbs were covering the entire area, giving a bright glow that lit every edge of the immense lair.

"It was the last destination of every dragons that once existed in their era."

I scanned the area and spotted an altar that stood at the middle, it was a very beautiful sight that I didn't believe it was once a graveyard.

"I need to speak to the dragon if they are still here," Princess Hisui's voice snapped me out of my trance, giving me an access back to reality. "I mean the souls,"

There was a strange silence.

"Porlyusica had given me a dragon spell, it is strange. But it might help me speak into a dragon's soul." Wendy brought up the topic, a glint of sadness in her eyes. She stared at me with doubts. I smiled at her reassuringly and let her continue. "I don't think I can do it... But I'll try,"

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