
Start from the beginning

I nod, and lift my shirt so she see the tattoo on my side. It's the date that Tobias and I got married in Roman numerals. Like I said, Tobias got the same one, and I love them, so much. Now that I'm thinking about it, I have three tattoos now, the ravens on my collarbone I got junior year of college, the words 'coup de foudre' which means love at first sight in French, that I got around Thanksgiving of my senior year, I think. I got it on the inside of my upper right arm, and I'm still obsessed with it, almost two years later. The Roman numerals I got on the other side of my body, so it wouldn't clash with the one on my arm. You know, not that anyone would really see it, the Roman numerals is one that Tobias and I got for ourselves and for each other. But of course, if I'm wearing a bikini, or like a backless dress, people are going to see it, so I wanted it to look good.

Tobias comes up beside me and places an arm around my back. Smiling, I look up at him, and he presses a kiss to my temple.

Licking my lip, I look away and blush. Tobias just chuckles, wrapping both arms around me to pull me into a hug. I snake my own arms around him and take in the scent of his white t-shirt; laundry detergent and a bit of his cologne. He pulls back a bit, and I stand on my toes to kiss him.

"Woah tigers, slow down a bit. I don't want to have to make you guys go get a room," Zeke comments as he walks by. I blush again, and Tobias sets me down but keeps an arms around me.

Marlene and Uriah come running through the front door then, looking very elated. They gather the other seven of us up and make us sit on the couch and they stand in front of us.

"Okay, what?" Lynn finally says after we're all silent for a minute or two. Marlene and Uriah look at each other and back at all of us.

"Seriously, what is it?" Tobias groans, getting impatient. I run my fingers through his hair and lean against his chest. Marlene and Uriah look at each other again and then back to us.

Their faces erupt into huge smiles as they tell us. "We're engaged!" they exclaim. The seven of us on the couch all spring up to hug them. We all let them know how happy for them we are for them and how we can't wait for their wedding.

It's crazy how fast we're all growing up. Tobias and I are married, Mar and Uri are engaged, and Zeke and Shauna are also engaged and she's pregnant (oh, yeah, they got engaged while Tobias and I were away on our honeymoon).

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Christina smiling, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"I'm gonna go get another beer," she says, walking away from the group and towards the kitchen.

"I'll go with you. I need one too," I reply, following her to the kitchen. When we get there, Christina opens the fridge and grabs two beer cans. "Chris, are you okay?" I ask as she hands me one of the cans.

"I'm fine, T," she snaps and it startles me. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm not actually fine. It's just you and Tobias are already married, Zeke and Shaun are engaged with a baby on the way, and now Marlene and Uriah are engaged too. And I just wonder what's taking Will so freaking long to grow some balls and ask me!"

"I don't know what he's waiting for, but he probably thinks that it's not the right time yet."

"Not the right time? Tris, Will and I have been dating since we were fifteen! And now we're both almost 25! That's almost ten years, and I was ready to get married when we were twenty!"

"Yeah but he wasn't. Chris you have plenty of time to get married and start a family. Just don't stress yourself out of it. He's going to propose at some point, you just have to be patient."

Christina sighs. "Patient, I can be patient."

"There you go, it'll be okay. And you know you can talk to him about it."

"Yeah, thanks T."

"Anytime. This is what best friends are for." She laughs and we return to the party.

The night continues, with laughs from ridiculous stories, surprise kisses from Tobias, and a lot of candy and booze.
➸  ➸  ➸  ➸  ➸
Tobias's birthday was a few days ago and now my husband is 24 years old. You know we've been married for two full months, and that's not a long time (like, at all), but it's still weird to call him my husband. It's also still weird that my last name is Eaton instead of Prior. It's so surreal.

In other news, the volleyball state tournament is this weekend and Divergent High is in it. I'm so proud of these girls, a bunch of them had never played with each other before, but they really came together as a team and I couldn't be any prouder.

The tournament is two hours away, in a town in southern Illinois called Normal. So we have to drive down there and stay there for the weekend, which kinda sucks but it's not that big of a deal. Tobias is coming with me, and I'm super excited. He's in the offseason now, and once this weekend is over, I will be too, and we can just spend more time together, so I'm super happy with that.

The drive down isn't bad, it's not too long or anything, so that's super nice.

Unfortunately, we lost in the semifinals the next day, but it's okay. The girls played really well, the other team was the number one seed for the tournament, and they just played better. Our team is pretty young, there's only two seniors, so we should be pretty good next year.

Now we're heading to a diner to celebrate the season, even tough we're going to have a banquet with the JV and Frosh teams in about a month. We all take up about half of the restaurant, all of the players' families, the players, the other coaches, Tobias, and me. The two of us sit in a booth across from the JV coach and her husband, and Tobias puts his arm over my shoulders. I lean into him, and he kisses the top of my head.

We all stay there for awhile, it takes a bit for all of us to get our food. Once we all eat, we say goodbye and head out to all of our cars. The drive home is nice, I was only awake for like have if it though, I was so tired from these last two days that I zonked out until we got home.
❁  ❁  ❁  ❁  ❁
A/N: guys!! How are you? We are so close to the end of this book, like seriously. Like 1-2 chapters away. I can't decide if I want to do 1 or 2 but it'll most likely be 1. Then it's on to book 3!! I'm so excited!
So honestly I'm just trying to get through these next 10 days of school, and then I'm home free for two whole weeks. Ugh the weather actually sucks where I live, cuz it's like freezing outside, there's been absolutely no precipitation whatsoever, so it's not like we have snow to compensate for the freezing ass weather! Last year we had like 9 snow days because of all the snow we had, and we already had our first big snow😒
Sorry this took awhile to get up, I totally wanted to get this up like a few hours ago, but then I ended up deep cleaning my entire room. Anyway, I hope you guys love this chapter, and please comment and vote, I love getting those notifications! I love you guys so much!💗💗
-Аɴɴɑ 🤟🏼🧜🏼‍♀️🌨🍩🏐🎆💜🍔😑

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