New story coming from me soon or when work is not nuts (edited)

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Okay this i going to go off the beaten path of what i am used to writing for you guys with the rescue stories and give them a break for the time being (cause i have enough of them up for now, but i will continue with them as I get more followers), and i will go back for four new stories to add to this line-up cause you guys love them so much so they are staying put. This one is going to be an adoption story like all of my other stories are and will always be I'm not going to change that either and go to something different just to get more views and followers. George Gray is my dad in this story (I wish in real life, but sadly no, but sometime i pretend he is my dad let's say i don't want to talk about it right now) and i am his daughter in this story and since i am all grown up he wants to adopt a little one to feel young again cause i can't do all those fun things that we used to do together when i was younger like play tea party and dress up too, and so much more. I am okay with it cause i am excited for a sibling, and helping to take care of them and teach them things as well in this story i am dating Kevin McHale and we are going strong in our relationship, and we are talking about getting married and having kids someday in the near future too right now it will be boyfriend and girlfriend relationship then he will pop the question after a while then the wedding, and we will have kids in due time either by adoption or the other way. One day I get the surprise of my life when i did not know i was pregnant with a little one, and dad has an ambulance rush me to the hospital cause he is s a little freaked out that i am having a baby. George is not your typical dad he is fun, outgoing, not so strict, goofy, silly and everything in-between that is why i call him my fruit loop dad, and i am his fruit loop daughter, and we are his fruit loop kids that love him for what he is

The chapters will come when the views are up enough so vote and comment what you think so far, and it will be a good book for you guys i hope and in time as well. This story will be on the Sunday line-up with my other George story (maybe once i get all of these chapters edited and in great shape or i might keep it on the everyday line-up i don't know yet right now) which was the first story i wrote when i came on here years ago when i first got my Wattpad account, so this was the first ever story i wrote. I will work on it this week so i can get the first chapter off the ground and when i do it will be on The Sunday line-up for sure (once i edit all of the chapters cause tomorrow i will go back to editing the next one, and continue all the way up till March or April with the editing cause the views have improved a lot i can say that much) so tonight i will work on it at work and when i get home, so maybe in a little bit i can do a preview before bed, and more will come with my schedule being crazy and all and when i got to Bolivar, but i am working on it on the everyday line-up right now my schedule is still crazy cause we are really short staffed, and they won't rehire anyone for some strange reason cause we really need the help, so i am going to edit a chapter every week to get the views up this one i went back to cause the views weren't moving, so I am going to be adding people from CBS in to make the story more interesting as well and dramatic too cause i think some of my stories need the drama added tot hem to make them better too

Bringing this one back too

My fruit loop dad wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now