Chapter 56: This Moment Now

Start from the beginning

"Yes, there's coffee," Mum laughed, nodding to the setup. "Just be careful you don't spill something on yourself."

"Way ahead of you," I giggled. "I can't go to my own party with a stained gown." I leaned forward and picked up the carafe, pouring some of the dark brew into a porcelain coffee cup. Not bothering with cream or sugar, I leaned back and brought it with me. I sipped slowly, my eyes closing with the strong taste.

"Are you ready?" Jenny asked as she tore another corner off her croissant.

I nodded slowly. "I think so. It's not like they can declare we're not bonded. There's no denying it. If we weren't, then I'd be concerned. But this is what he wants, and I think I'm ready to take on being the mistress alpha."

My mother smiled as she sat her cup down.

"You'll be fine, Seren," Jenny said. "It's just a royal title right now. You'll get the hang of the rest of it in time."

I nodded again and took another sip of coffee before reaching for a plump strawberry that sat on the platter of fruit. I popped it in my mouth carefully. "Yeah... I'm just anxious."

"Get through the next couple of hours," Mum said, "and then we'll go from there."

Nodding again, I reached for another strawberry. Before I could say anything, there was a knock on the door. I leaned back in the armchair. "It's open."

The door squeaked open as the three of us turned to look. Thomas pushed it ajar further as he stepped halfway into the room. He was dressed in all-black again, making his red hair and beard more prominent. He smiled hesitantly when he noticed I had company.

"Hi, Tom," I greeted. "Is it getting to be a handful down there that you had to escape?" I added teasingly.

He chuckled as he came into the room the rest of the way. "Partially, but I figured you were probably creating your own bit of trouble up here."

The three of us giggled and I rolled my eyes. "Only on the third Friday of every month," I shot back. "Or whenever I know you're around."

"Serenity," my mother warned, still laughing.

Thomas grinned as he looked from the two of them to me. "Trouble or not, I'm still here to collect. We're ready for you downstairs. The alphas are all being asked to assemble in the throne room. Are you ready?"

I inhaled slowly through my nose before breathing out through my mouth. I glanced at my mother and sister-in-law. They were both smiling at me encouragingly. I glanced back at Thomas and smiled at last. "Yes, I'm ready."

My mother glanced at Jenny and nodded. "We'll head down and find the others. We'll see you there."

"Good luck," Jenny said as she got to her feet carefully. She followed my mother out into the hall as Thomas stepped aside for them.

When they were gone, he looked back to me with a smile. "We should go, too. I'd hate for you to be late."

I felt my chin bob up and down twice and I got up from the chair. After gulping down the last of my coffee, I sat my mug down and smoothed the skirt of my dress carefully. "You're right. Jason might kill me if I keep him waiting for too long with all those people."


I glanced up again as I started to move towards him. "Is it that obvious?"

He smiled and held the door for me. "Just remember to stay calm during the ceremony and in front of the alphas. They'll sense it, even more so once your dominance officially matches Jason's and they get the opportunity to feel it."

Half-Blooded | The Dark Child Prophecy Series [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now