chapter 3

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Three weeks since last chapter

It was a warm sunny afternoon Steve was tidying up the kitchen dusting the photos of his family when hero walked in his glowing eyes powerless in the bright sunshine Steve noticed  Hero's boared  expression   and it gave Steve an idea"hey hero have you ever made a rainbow cake" "no can we make one" said hero eagerly " we can but it's a hard thing to do
We need wild flowers goldstones and ....... water (gasp)".

As soon as Steve Finished speaking  Hero boalted  out the door and into the forest
Scareing  birds and woodland creatures  as he rand looking for the items needed to make a cake.

Time skip
As hero looked for the wild flowers Steve prepared the cake.  Steve  chuckled as he saw  Hero slip into a river while shouting  "yes I got the flowers!" He didn't  even need flowers or the gold stone he just needed to get hero out of the house and  for him to get some exercise  . Steve finally finished the cake and was about to ice it when hero burst through the door  and bounded up to steve jumping in excitement ."I got everything " he said waging his tail
"Good " Steve replied smileing  here it is.
Hero's face fell"you mean you didint need these stupid flowers"        "no I just needed you to get some exercise because your getting chubby (fight me -broken)"
Hero looked down and mumbled "it's because I'm in my core form I'm like this"

______________________________________________________________wow wasent that interesting  also yes
I do have a problem I have dank meme itis(not a real problem )

Also should hero keep his core form (will post picture of core herobrine) you decide
Ps :core form hero is really short snd normal hero is really tall


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