t w e n t y s e v e n

En başından başla

He didn't even get me coffee this morning.

Once I arrive in the tour bus, I see him sitting on a couch in the living room area.

If there's even a living room in a tour bus.

I decide to go and sit next to him to see what he does.

Sure enough, he gets up and moves as far away from me as possible while still on a couch.

Kevin and Esther come out of the bathroom from setting up their toothbrushes with a confused look on their faces.

"What the hell is going on between you two?" Esther asks us.

Mitch grumbles something under his breath and I shrug, unsure of what to say.

After a few minutes of mindlessly scrolling on twitter, Kirstie and Avi walk into the bus, hand in hand.

I'm jealous of Avi. Kirstie doesn't seem like the kind to blow up without anything happening.

"What's going on?" Kirstie laughs. Mitch is on the opposite couch on the opposite side of me scowling while I look dumbfounded.

"I have no clue!" I all but yelled.

"He's an idiot! That's what!" Mitch replies. Wow, the first words he's said to be since he's been bad that aren't cuss words.

"I literally didn't do anything!" I shout, this time at Mitch. I notice Avi and Kirstie sit down on my couch while Genevieve begins driving.

"You did many things!"

"I could solve this if I knew what I even did!"

Mitch rolls his eyes and goes back to scrolling on his phone. Kirstie and Avi on my left are a snickering mess.

"Okay, I think you guys should try to sort this out while we're on the bus because shouting at each other will make for a very unpleasant enviorment," Kirstie comments, leaning back on the couch.

"I really don't need screaming people on tour, thank you very much," Esther states from the lounge.

We all sit and talk, minus Mitch, when Esther and Kevin come out from the back of the bus. By that time it's about lunch, so we force Genevieve to pull over at a taco bell. Esther heads in and orders us each three normal tacos, which is boring in all of our opinions, but she tell us not to complain.

"We're so close to the European leg, I can hardly stand it," Kirstie smiles.

"Same! I'm so excited! Especially France," Avi smiles.

"Yeah, France should be fun," Kirstie agrees.

After a few more hours of heart to hearts, long discussions of stupid topics, and Mitch ignoring me, we finally disperse. Avi and Kirstie decide to watch Netflix, must against Kirstie's will. She'd rather read, apparently.

Kevin and Esther head to the back along with Kirstie and Avi, leaving Mitch and I.

Figuring he must've calmed down by now, I decide to go and sit by him again.

"Don't you dare sit next to me," he utters.

"What the hell did I do?"

"How do you not know what you did!"

"Because I didn't do anything!"

"You're so fucking ignorant!"

That stung.

That really stung.

I really try my hardest to look out for others around me. He knows that.

Instead of saying something back, I too head into the back lounge.

Falling - A Pentatonix StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin