"Wh- what do you want from m-me?" Dammit, why did i stutter?

"Oh!! he's talking back" The guy that pushed me said and slapped me across the face. He grabbed my chin and glare at me.

"Wanna act strong? You're not strong enough to fight us back you nerd"
I flinched.

"The fuck? Did he just flinched? What a scaredy cat" They laughed together and i look at the floor being ashamed of what they said.

"Don't you have another thing to do than bully that guy? you guys are so pathetic, tch"
All of us take a look at who's talking.

It's the guy that Jimin hugged just now. I look behind his back, finding that Jimin is behind him too.

"Y-Yoongi? Oh man what's up"
The guy that pulled me awkwardly said and let go of my chin.

The Yoongi guy glare at them and smirk.
"What about you leave him alone and never come back?"

They stuttered a sorry and quickly leave me. I look at him and seeing that he's glaring at the people that surrounding us.

"Now, what'ca looking at huh?"
The students quickly leave and don't spare any glances at me.


"Jungkook! Are you okay?"
I look behind his back to see Jimin is walking forward and touch my shoulder. Ah, what a great timing to feel like crying.
Knowing that someone cares so much about me in here

"Jimin? Uh, yeah i'm fine" I look down, i'm being so pathetic. I am so weak.

"You should try fighting back you know"
Yoongi said.

I know that.
I still looking down and felt someone grab my hand. I look up and see Jimin smiling at me, giving me reasurring smile.

I look at Yoongi and thank to him.
He shook  his head and slightly smirk.

"No no, not me. You need to thank this cutie here. If he didn't tell me to save your ass i would have just pass by and watch you being bullied."
I frowned.

Jimin widened his eyes and turned around to look at yoongi. He raised his hand slowly and hit his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"
Jimin glared at him.

"First of all, stop being so rude to Jungkook and second of all, I'm not cute! I'm fierce!"

Yoongi and i snorted at that.

Jimin look at me.

"Seriously Jungkook?" I look away and shrugged. I smiled at the fact that Jimin defended me.

I saw yoongi grab Jimin's hand and intertwined it. I furrowed my eyebrows and look at their hands. I feel that Jimin is looking at where my gaze went and he coughed.

"Um.. Yoongi, he's looking"

Yoongi doesn't seem so care about it and lift their hands so that he can kiss Jimin's back hand.

"You guys are, a thing?" I asked them and Jimin blushed so hard that his face became so red.

Yoongi smirk at him.

He looks at me and then his expression change.

"You're not bothered about it?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"No, i don't really care to be honest, as long as someone is happy with their loves one." Jimin smiled back happily.

Jimin face palmed and mumble something.

"Hey baby, what is it?" I squeal hearing the pet name that yoongi gave.

Jimin flushed and hit his arm again.
He hissed at Yoongi and Yoongi shrugged.

"I totally forgot about it. Jungkook, why are they bullying you?" I froze at the question.

Then something hit me. wait, he knew

"Jimin! Please don't tell my mom! You can—"

"Woah chill." he frowned.

"It's not like i'm going to tell your mom, don't worry. But why are they bullying you?" i sighed in relief.

"I don't really know"

"Whatever it is, you need to be strong about it okay? If you are in trouble, you have me and Yoongi-hyung!" He cheered. I smiled at him

He don't know about the picture?

and then he frowned back.

I hummed to let him know that i am listening to him.

"It's hyung to you, brat!" Yoongi-hyung chuckled and nuzzles his head into jimin's neck from behind.

Jimin look at Yoongi with a raised left eyebrow.

"And what's with you today?"
I chuckled at them and he shrugged.

"'onno, you just look so adorable"
Well there it goes again, his face going red.

I accidentally look behind their back and something- no, more like someone caught my eye.

It's Hyeonsoo, looking at me straight into my eyes.

Maybe, for a little while i thought that, she gritted her teeth while looking at me.
I gulped and look away.

"Ah! The class is going to start, i better get going!" i waved at them and locked my locker.

"Wait!" i look behind my back.

"You're going to eat with us right?" I grinned and nodded.

A break with a friend

I waved at them and Jimin wave back.

"Yoongi, you should let go of me right now or we will going to be late for the class." He groaned.

"I don't care, i wanna be with you longer."  Jimin sighed and smile.

"Well, how about you walk me to my class?" Jimin tilted his head so that he can kiss Yoongi's cheek.

Yoongi grinned with his famous gummy smile.

"Yeah, that would be nice."


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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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