Ostrenvaxian/Aetrii'vullian Society

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The Ostrenvaxians and Aetrii'vullians have a very unique society. Their hierarchical system, clothing, structures, and communication can be easily recognized.



The most common example would have to be the structural complexes. Usually it varies from a light-grey to a dark-grey metallic tone. Streaks of many intersecting and diagonal/straight lines can be seen. The main reason for these features is mainly decorative purposes.

Multiple other features, such as cyan-coloured lights, and solid structure-connected hovering pieces are also used for decoration, but are also used for the management of wind, temperature, and solar control; and energy stabilization. The structures are normally bulky, shaped into a combination of diagonal and straight surfaces, and are usually arranged into sections (because of their hover-based abilities).

 The structures are normally bulky, shaped into a combination of diagonal and straight surfaces, and are usually arranged into sections (because of their hover-based abilities)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Two Ostrenvaxian structures: the 2nd Observer Facility (Providential Expedite ) (left) and a refuge tower (right); north of the Ostrenvaxian capital, Ostren'vitae.

Means of communication (societal)

Ostrenvaxians are similar in the ways humans communicate to one another, but are more precise and complex in their use of words. The only differences between Ostrenvaxian and human-based nature is their use of over-polite actions and complex sentences.

Ostrenvaxians are especially known for their precise understanding of others and individual situations, even just by looking at them (the person(s)/or the moment). Mentioning societal means of communication, this is the same with the use of technological devices, such as panels.

Means of communication (surfaces/technology)

Solidified-based dialect imprints are extremely uncommon (writing on solid bases); being only used to tell a historical/mythological story or picture - displayed in Ostrenvaxian structures. The ways of communication is usually via the use of holographic panels, which act like an inner-dimensional importer and exporter of information (meaning anything can be sent within any amount of light years [mostly in the dimensions barrier], in an instant). Basically, it's like texting, including similarities to the internet, but with a broader grid of communication.

The panels, themselves, are described as being a cyan-based colour, with a slight glow. The Ostrenvaxian letters normally have a lighter appearance than its available canvas. Images and video transfers are normally in a lighter colour (like the letters), but can also be altered to fit the appropriate and precise descriptions of the actual-based colours.


Normally, the clothing worn by Ostrenvaxians is white (or pale-grey), but can also be any colour via the comfort of the wearer. Mentioning this, some Ostrenvaxian clothings' colours' can be altered, either being done by emotional patterns, or the use of implanted colour shifts - connected to brain patterns; another way to change clothing colour can be done via clothing add-ons, such as wrist panels.

The Legends: Loreजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें