The Epsia Vr'tikae Project

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Before the Protectors of Earth, there had been a project known as 'Epsia Vr'tikae'. It was a complex project that had been created by the Aetrii'vullians (with help from the Evolutionizer), in a way to create extremely powerful beings - larger than planetary bodies, themselves. This was a form known as 'Titan'.

The project was specifically created to protect the Reality dimension from an extremely powerful and sentient dimension known as Sins of Shadows. It was the birthplace of the Shadow Beasts, and the later formed Shadow version of Chadravix (Chad), known as Honourguard. He controlled the dimension, in a way that he set it on a course to the Reality dimension. His main intention was to fully consume the Reality dimension, in a way that all life in it would obey his every commands.

After the Evolutionizer found out about this, it created the Epsion Vixae: a large artificial structure that stretched with the Reality dimension. It sat near the edge of the dimension, itself, while also producing a large shield among the whole dimension - preventing the Sins of Shadows dimension from colliding with the Reality dimension. The Shadow Beasts were very powerful, but were stripped to their weak form - whenever they entered the Reality dimension, due to the shield produced by the Epsion Vixae. 

The Aetrii'vullians knew they had to help protect the Reality dimension, so the Epsia Vr'tikae project was created. Twenty Ostrenvaxians volunteered to be given the ability, but were all later massacred by the Shadow Beasts, due to their powers being weakened - as they entered the Sins of Shadows dimension - in a way to try and weaken the dimension, itself. With this, the Aetrii'vullians avoided going into the Sins of Shadows dimension, and wanted all newer Titans to stay within the Dimensions boundary, while looking for all the Shadow Beasts that tried to get into the Reality dimension, itself.

Every century, the Epsion Vixae sent off a massive beacon that covered the whole Reality dimension. It would locate all the Shadow Beasts within the dimension. Chad was one of the first Protectors of Earth to be given the Titan form (which was also the newer, improved version; as the project had later been adopted into the Protectors of Earth, via the benefit of advanced beings - more powerful than the original Titans).

Chad would be sent to the Shadow Beasts locations, with an Aetrii'vullian escort group. He would then turn into the Titan form and forcefully send the Shadow Beasts back to their own dimension (as Shadow Beasts could not be killed).

As centuries passed, the Aetrii'vullians and the Evolutionizer found out that the Shadow Beasts were learning of their tactics, and started evolving themselves - in a way to defend against the Titan forms. The Aetrii'vullians knew they had to make more Protectors of Earth have the ability to turn into a Titan, so they managed each Protector, while giving the ability to the Protectors that they thought were reasonable, including the Exviaan family, the Ventovagons, and the Eight Guardians of Ostrenvaxias.

Due to the superiority of Ostrenvix, he was given a special Titan form which allowed him to be as big as the Evolutionizer, itself; the largest of all the Titans.

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