Tier Rating Scale

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A Tier Rating Scale is used to display a species intellect and evolution - compared with other individual species'. The closer the species Tier reaches towards 0 - means their advancements are very complex, and they are extremely intelligent.


Note: Each Tier after the other - has the same traits as the one before (e.g. Tier 1 will have the same traits as Tier 2)

Tier 10

Just started to exist. They take on the natural sources that are provided - and will evolve by chance of availability. Their intellect is very simple - only doing what is possible - whatever is in their reach. They rely on other organisms to protect them from danger.

Tier 9

Evolved to defend themselves. They can take on tasks that may be challenging - just to get to their goal. They can understand their surroundings, and may learn of ways to avoid danger - in the process of getting to their place-of-need. They usually rely on other organisms to protect them from danger.

Tier 8

They can learn from their mistakes, and tend to take on new challenges - which are put in their way. They can defend themselves - while using their surroundings as a benefit. They will try to use the quickest route to get to their goal, but if it is too much - they will use the safest/longest route.

Tier 7

Able to create artificial objects and shelters - from their surroundings - which can be used to their beneficial needs. Can adapt to new challenges, while using their surroundings as a support. They can learn from their mistakes, while trying new ways to maneuver around tough challenges.

Tier 6

They can create artificial structures and objects - which they can use to their beneficial needs. Their communicative skills evolve to a standard of which they can rely on one-another for support.

Tier 5

They understand changes - and will try to use their surroundings as a way to progress through this differing adaption. They will try to advance their artificial creations - to withstand further damage, and last longer - in the process - even via the use of small civilizations and villages. If need be, they will venture into new, unmarked areas. They understand how to grow resources - in their conditions. They can find new ways to create transport - which may benefit their safety and reduce time wasted via traveling on foot.

Tier 4

They have the ability to create their own canon-based language/communicative formations. They will try to venture into new adaptations - while using their understanding of beneficial support - to help them along the way. They know what will keep their artificial creations standing - in a way to create their own materials with existing ones -  to benefit the strength of their artificial creations. They will try to create an artificial area - which can support resource growth. They can find ways to benefit transportation - to advance in supporting their needs/getting to their specified destinations. They have the ability to venture outside their stellar body - but only for a minimal distance/time.

Humanity stands at this tier.

Tier 3

They can venture outside their own stellar body, while being able to create civilizations on distant planets. Their advancements reach a point of-which they can travel at light speeds, and even in some occasions: teleport to extremely far locations - outside their own system. They have the ability to permanently stabilize resource growth in non-adaptable areas.

Without Ostrenvaxian/Aetrii'vullian benefits: the Robloxians, Die'tens, Vitae'ens, Ectae'vens, Stellarians, and Polarians stand at this tier.

Tier 2

They have the ability to create their own artificial worlds, while also being able to create a permanent source of energy - to power their artificial creations. They can also create their own materials - without reducing the natural sources on stellar bodies. They can advance their own species via their creations - basically turning them into an artificial 'apex species'. They can move stellar bodies with the help of their artificial creations, while not harming the planets natural function, nor system. In some occasions, they have the ability move galaxies. Technological advancements reach a near-limit at this point, while mentality/physical progression also nears its frontier.

The Ostrenvaxians/Aetrii'vullians stand at this tier.

Tier 1

The frontier of all intellect. They have the ability to move galactic systems at their own will. They will automatically adapt to their surroundings (without artificial creations needed to benefit this). They can create anything at their will, while even being able to permanently shape-shift. These traits are all naturally made, so Tier 2 species' may need artificial creations to benefit these traits - on their own.

The Evolutionizer stands at this tier.

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