The Layers of Our Dimension

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Each dimension consists of many layers, at least fourteen in total - with each layer having their own purpose to stabilize the individual dimension.


Layer 1: The Creationizer (Innermost layer)

The center of the dimension. Everything in the dimension orbits around it.

Layer 2: Clusters of the oldest-formed galaxies

First galaxies ever created by the Creationizer.

Layer 3: Clusters of fairly old galaxies (including our solar system)

Originally Shifters, these galaxies eventually ran out of Shifter Velocity, causing them to roam the dimension within a dormant state.

Layer 4: Milky Way

A thread of dormant galaxies, stars, and planets.

Layer 5: Clusters of galaxies (varying in age)

Old and new galaxies that were originally Shifters, but are now dormant in their roaming.

Layer 6: Clusters of new galaxies (Shifters)

Newer galaxies that still have enough fuel to cause them to wander the dimension, until their Shifter Velocity runs out.

Layer 7: Clusters of new galaxies

Newer galaxies that have run out of their Shifter Velocity. They travel around the universe with a dormant speed.

Layer 8: Shield of Prevention and Stability (Interior)

A force that was created to prevent black holes from exiting the boundary, and galaxies from entering it.

Layer 9: Black hole border and Dark Matter

This is the layer of which black holes are created from collapsed stars that have been caught in its boundary - and have been consumed by the Dark Matter. Noting the black holes and their physical properties, they do not cause any harm to stellar objects - other than to transport them to neighboring dimensions.

Layer 10: Shield of Prevention and Stability (Exterior)

A force that was created to prevent black holes from exiting the boundary, and galaxies from entering it.

Layer 11: Void (Interior)

The combination of both blank space and light particles (from the Void).

Layer 12: Void

A very bright layer that consists of space dust and streaming rods of golden haze (formally known as "Atmos") which acts as a transportation to other parts of that individual dimension. It is also the birthplace of the first ever species created in existence: the Evolutionizers.

Layer 13: Void (Exterior)

It acts as a barrier against the Aura of Collision Prevention (outermost layer), as the bonded gravity waves of it are very strong and could harm the interior of its dimension - if there was not a impenetrable layer provided. Instead, the bonded gravity waves bounce off this layer and dissolve in The Known - if it goes too far from its respected dimension.

Layer 14: Aura of Collision Prevention (Outermost layer)

This is the edge of the dimension. It was created to prevent interruptions with other dimensions that surround it. It consists of bonded gravity waves that stretch light years across the area of the dimension, itself. These bonded gravity waves create a gap between neighboring dimensions, so they don't collide with each other.

Note: Each dimension will infinitely expand and create galaxies.

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