Chapter 6 - Training

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The next morning I was the mansion's champion. So many cliques came up to me to involve myself with them. Others came up for congratulating me on how well I did. Others offered training tips. Aunt Lucy was extremely proud of me after the Trials. She wanted to do further testing, but another young man convinced her to let training bring it out.

And so, training day has arrived. "Aren't we moving a bit fast Aunt Lucy? I just realized I had these things—" "Abilities." She interrupted. "Right," I said slightly irritated. "But I just got these, and I want to meet the others here and go at my own pace, okay?" I asked. Aunt Lucy turned to me, a fire in her eyes. "No! You will train today. You will get better at these and you will go on—" She cut herself off. She took in a deep breath and continued. "You don't understand how important training is right after the Trials. It needs to be done." She continued walking, not waiting for me to catch up. Great, Aunt Lucy. "I heard that!" She said. Dang it.

Training flew by in a matter of minutes, when it was really hours upon end. First she had me create. "Start small, then work your way up." Aunt Lucy had said. So I did. I started with a bug that couldn't fly but had wings. Then a flower that had no scent but was a vivid shade of blue. Then finally an animal that I called the R.A.N., roaring atrocious newt. It was a screaming newt. I got rid of that pretty quickly.
Next, she had me control weather, making me turn clouds into shapes and rain into hail. It was a lot harder trying to do it on purpose than accidentally.
After that, Aunt Lucy taught me fighting styles I can use in case my abilities don't work. "Why wouldn't they work?" I asked. "There are still human out there that hunt us and some creatures that want us all dead. They can use a small variety of things to block our powers. It's good to have a backup." She explained. So we did. Now I know five fighting styles that are extremely easy for me to do but hard for an enemy to block. Finally; Aunt Lucy had me control Jen, with her permission, to see how much skill I had in that. I was barely able to have Jen take a step forward at all. "It's alright." Aunt Lucy had said. "As time goes on, you'll have more power in it. Trust me, your mother was like that."

As night fell, I found Jason with another girl hanging on him out in the courtyard. Noticing he was extremely uncomfortable, I decided to go "rescue" Mr. Perfect. "...and that's how I saved a whole village of children from the Norts." The girl was saying to Jason who was barely listening. "Excuse me." I said. The girl ignored me. I coughed. She looked at me with distaste. She sized me up, "Oh look. It's Ms. Incredible. That awe inspiring Beginning of her aunt." She said it all with a poisonous tone.
She was a pretty girl, pretty average. She had brown hair with blonde high lights, dark brown eyes, and an olive complexion. I already disliked her.
"Now, go away I'm having a lovely time with Jason, now aren't we?" The girl said, grazing his jawline with her toxic finger. Jason grimaced, shying away from her. But she just moved closer in. "You can go do that later. I need to talk with him. Now." I said, getting very jealous and irritated at her. Without even trying, I wished she would move, and she stood and started walking away. "HEY YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I'LL TELL LUCY EVERYTHING YOU LITTLE B—" I also zipped her mouth shut. Taking her place I sat down next to Jason who already was more comfortable. "Who was that anyways?" I said nonchalantly. Jason laughed, "Abbigail Curtis. The most boy crazy girl here. And there's a lot of those."
I laughed. "I'm not one of those. Guys aren't my top priority at the moment." I said, staring into his dreamy green eyes. SNAP OUT OF IT SAMANTHA! I told myself. Right. Focus. You can't be doing this. You have to focus on training. Remember what Aunt Lucy said. I subtly pinched myself. "I-I have to go. Need to focus on training." I said, forcing a laugh. Quickly waving goodbye, I left Jason sitting alone. "Bye..." He said sadly.

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