November 6th, 1983

Start from the beginning

"Aw momma! Just a bit longer!" Lance called out. Lucas and Hunk sprawled to the floor to find the dice. In the meantime they cleaned the empty cans and wrappers off the floor and threw it away.

"No, you've been down here since seven in the morning." Sofia Wheeler walked down the stairs seeing bits of trash still on the floor. The smell was unbearable, considering the four teens haven't moved from their spots for twelve hours straight. She pinched her nose, "It smells like-"

Lucas nodded, "Yeah, it was all from Hunk, he got nervous near the end."

"Hey! I heard that!" Hunk said as he picked up the last Twinkie wrapper.

Sofia chuckled, "It's time for you guys to go home. I already called your parents and told them that you're on your way."

Lucas and Hunk pushed each other to see who could make it up the stairs first. "Thanks Mrs.Wheeler." They said in unison. Mrs.Wheeler followed them upstairs making sure that they didn't knock down anything as they raced to the front door.  

Lance helped Pidge search for the dice. Low and behold, under Lance's chair was the twelve sided blue die. Lance picked it up, "It landed on five!" He announced.

"I found the other!" Pidge announced back, hitting her head under a small wooden desk. She held the small die in her palms, "It landed on a four." 

Lance smiled widely. "That's nine! Your spell worked!" He quickly jotted it down on Pidge's character sheet in his scrawled handwriting.

Pidge smiled and handed lance the dice. "I told ya, I had a lucky feeling." She walked up the stairs. "See you at school tomorrow Lance."  Pidge waved goodbye and left the basement.

Lance waved back, and saved the character sheets and written the date on the top left corner of each sheet. 'November 6th, 1983'

Lance ran up the stairs to watch his friends ride home on their bikes.

"Turn off the basement light mijo." Lance's mother reminded her son. 

Lance turned off the basement door before shutting the door. After, he made his way to his room, calling it a night as he immediately passed out on his bed from exhaustion.

Lucas didn't have to travel far, his house was down the street from Lance's home. "Goodnight ladies." He waved as he turned his bike onto his driveway. 

"Kiss your mom goodnight for me!" Hunk called back to Lucas he continued to ride into the night.

The brisk wind blew through through Hunk's yellow blazer. Pidge's small face wore a small smile, loving the feeling of a cold autumn night. The lights on their bikes illuminated the road below them.

"Race back to my place? Winner gets a comic." Hunk challenged.

"Any comic?" Pidge asked.

"Yeah-" And before Hunk could change his mind, Pidge picked up speed, pedaling like a mad man.

"Hey I wasn't finished!" Hunk stands on the pedal of his bike making it easier for him pedal faster.

"I didn't say go!" Pidge heard behind her. Her bike reached a decline in the road, and it picked up more speed as the hill got steeper. She saw Hunk's house at the end of the hill. Still riding like the wind, she rode past it.

"I'll take your X-Men #134!" She yelled as her ride home.

Pidge slowed down as rode her bike alone. She rode past the familiar opened metal gate. The light on the front of her bike started to flicker. Pidge didn't seem to pay no mind to it. Her connected back to the road in front of her. Suddenly she sees a figure standing a few feet in front of her bike. Quickly, Pidge made a sharp left riding down a decline and crashing onto the forest floor. Pidge grunted as they stood up, hearing a low growl from the road. Her instincts yelled at her, Run! Run! And don't look back! She left her bike behind as she started running home. Blood pumped through her veins, her calves burned as if they were on fire. Her lungs clasped onto thin and wispy breaths as she continued to sprint. I should've participated in gym! But that didn't matter now, she needed to get home to find her mom and brother.

Pidge made it to the dirt path that lead to her house. She ran inside, shutting and locking the  door behind her. Pidge's breathed heavily, catching what was left of her breath. All the lights in the house were off, Chester, her Labrador, ran up to her. His nonstop barking wasn't helping with her rapid heart rate.

"Mom?" Pidge called out searching her bedroom and didn't find her. "Matt?" She checked her older brother's bedroom, and no sign of anyone else inside the house.

Chester's barks kept getting louder as Pidge checked all the rooms inside the house, including the kitchen and bathroom. "They're probably outside." Pidge ran to the living room window, and looked outside. Instead of seeing a car driving up the drive way, she saw the figure walking closer to the house. She heard it hiss as she made eye contact with it.

Pidge clambered away from the window and ran to the telephone hanging on the wall near the kitchen. Pidge spun the number wheel, dialing 911. "Hello?" She held the phone against her ear, no response, nothing but static.  Chester ran to the front door barking ferociously. Pidge saw the figure standing behind the square shaped glass window on the front door. She heard it's guttural growls through the phone, and watched as the lock flicked from 'locked' to open. Pidge screams and drops the phone. She runs out the back door of the house. Stepping into a few of Chester's piles of feces before she made it to the garden shed. She frantically searched for her dad's old hunting rifle in the dim light. She found the oak-colored gun along with the packages of bullets.

Pidge set the gun onto the wooden table in the shed. Her hands were shaking as they desperately opened the package of bullets. She loaded a single bullet into the rifle, cocking the gun into position. She lifted the gun and aimed it at the door, her entire body shook waiting for the creature to burst through the door.  

A low shriek was heard from behind her. Pidge continued to shake as she turned around slowly. There it was face to face with her,  her eyes widened behind the glasses. The small lightbulb illuminating the creature and the inside of the shed became brighter in an instant. Pidge shut her eyes, praying that this was all a dream, that she'll end up waking up in Lance's basement. She tried convincing herself that she just passed out from drinking so much Dr.Pepper.

She opened her eyes, hearing nothing but her heavy breathing. The creature was no longer in front of her.  Was she alone? Was this all a nightmare? Pidge was beyond confused, but still terrified, sensing that something wasn't right. She dropped the gun and ran out of the shed, and her breath catches in her throat.

"This isn't home."

Hello Beauties! This is chapter one, and I am proud of how it turned out. And I'm so excited to write the rest of the story.

Just a few things that I should point out. Lance, Pidge, Hunk and Lucas are all freshmen in high school. I made this decision so I could add a little variety to the story, plus I want them to be a bit older, but not too old. Other teenagers (such as the older siblings) will be juniors or seniors. And yeah.....I hope you guys will like the story. I enjoy reading the comments, I don't care much for voting, all I care is that you guys are happy :)

Have a lovely day/night!

1959 words

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