Chapter 11

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  Adam's POV

  I couldn't stop staring at her. Her sharp nose, angular face, long eyelashes and those kissable lips. In the sunlight, her hair shone. It was like golden honey, except lighter. I snapped myself out of it and swung myself out of the window and climbed down the tree, and drove home. It was still in the wee hours of the morning and none of my family had woken up.

  I crept back into my bedroom and slept until seven, I went downstairs for breakfast and saw my sister. She used to cut, too, but stopped when she met Daniel, her boyfriend. I used to hear her screaming and crying in the bathroom, even when I was just little. She was bright, glowing and happy now, and that was the sister I loved.

  My mind went back to last night, when I found Sarah with the razor. I didn't expect her to cut. She seemed quiet and shy, but I really never thought that she would cut. I guess everyone has a story.

  "Bro you've been standing there for like five minutes and I've been calling your name!" my sister's voice shook me out of my thoughts.

  "Sorry," I said, going into the kitchen and grabbing a bowl of cereal. "So, excited for your 21st birthday?"

  "Of course! It's when I'm officially free," she said, laughing.

  "I was free since I was born," I chuckled. I always laughed when my sister did, her laughter and happiness was so contagious. "Anyway, my er... Friend is coming over today."

  "Oh? You haven't had one friend over in a while, Adam," Alice said, indicating that the only friends that I brought over was only for parties. "I bet it's a girl."

  "It's a girl, but I'm just teaching her, honest!" I said. I didn't want my sister to get the wrong idea. "See ya, I got to go now."


  "Remember that our study session is today," I whispered into Sarah's ear. Watching her shiver, I smirked to myself. I loved making Sarah uncomfortable. She was cute when she got embarrassed.

  "I remembered," she hissed softly. It was during Maths period and we could not talk loudly.

  "Good," I said, continuing with my work and absent-mindedly playing with Sarah's smooth hair. I turned to look around the classroom, spotting Tania's watchful eyes on my hand twirling a lock of Sarah's hair. Her confused look made me realize she thought I liked Sarah! I almost laughed, but stopped myself.

  I would never like Sarah. I didn't believe in love. If she was going to love me, I would rather cut all connections with her. I didn't want her to be hurt again. And knowing me, I would probably just cast her off like another one of my one night stands.

  "I saw you in Maths," Tania stated casually, after Tania had gone to the cafeteria to meet up with Scott.

  "Well obviously, you're in my Maths class aren't you?" I said, rolling my eyes.

  "I mean, you were playing with her hair! What are you trying to do to her?" Tania hissed, stopping me with a sweep of her arm and looking me dead in the eye.

  "What? She's just my friend! God, I don't want to hurt her alright?" I exclaimed, folding my arms. I told Tania everything that happened last night, and her eyes widened until I thought they would pop out of their sockets.

  "Oh my gosh," Tania cried, covering her mouth. "I didn't know Sarah cut!"

  "She only just tried once, yesterday, because the pain was overpowering her."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2012 ⏰

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