Chapter 4

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Kat's POV:

The next day, as I am preparing to go to school, I'm listening to my pump up song by TDB of course: Alone is No Together. That song always energizes me for my dreadful school day. Bill Cunningham once said, " Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life" I firmly believe that concept, so I try to always match and show my style.

Today I dress in a tight red v-neck, distressed, dark wash jeans, and sparkly black flats. I straighten my medium length hair while staring at my endless split ends in disgust. Then I use my makeup to cover up the blemishes on my face that stick out like a soar thumb.

A touch of hairspray and perfume, and I'm out of my room and walking downstairs towards the kitchen while checking Instagram. First my fandom account, then my personal page. Mom is waiting at the counter with my breakfast and a smile. I don't buy it for a second.

"Good morning, sweetheart," she chimes in a sincere cheerfulness. She must be really good at faking emotions.

"Ya uh, hi." That lady doesn't deserve the air used to make friendly conversation.

"Sleep well?" She asks while holding my chair. I sit down and slump in my seat. Before me is a plate of peanut butter toast, fresh fruit, and bacon. The usual.

"Mom, don't try to be nice to me for once in your life. I don't need your favors, or your sweet talk."

I take a bite of toast.

"Kat you need to let go of these delusions. You can't skip school to drive 2 hours and maybe catch a glimpse of this... This... Guy, whoever he is,"

"His NAME is Jamie Campbell Bower. And if you knew anything about me at all, you'd know how important he is to me and how badly I need to go to this!!"

"More important than dad was to you?"

"Hell yeah!"


I walk away before she could scold me any further. How stupid is she? To restart this argument right before school? The NERVE!!! I can feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes. This is just great. Now everybody at schools going to see me like this, a sobbing mess. Nobody's ever seen me cry; I never do in public. I run up to my room so I can compose myself. I grab my makeup bag from my vanity so I can clean up on the bus. I manage to wipe away most of the black goop that formed when my tears mixed with my mascara and eyeliner.

I sneak back downstairs trying to be silent so my mom won't hear. To me every footstep blasted noise through the house. But no yelling from mom came. To make SURE my mom heard me this time, I slammed the front door on the way out of my house. I ran to the bus stop without saying goodbye. This school day is going to be a misery fest today.

"That's awful! Parents are so stupid," my friend Amanda said while rolling her eyes. We always sit together on the bus. If their were anyone who knew the most about annoying parents, it's Amanda. Her parents won't let her go in her own backyard without adult supervision.

"I know right?!" I agree while reapplying concealer to my acne. The bus is so shaky and old, I'm not even going to bother attempting mascara. I guess my hazel eyes will just stay puffy and red today; I predict I will be doing a lot more crying anyway.

"You should just go by yourself. Use that 'life savings' you always talk about. There are buses, and taxis. It couldn't be that expensive"

I chuckled. I thought she was joking, but after a few moments of her staring at me expecting a reply, I realized she was dead serious.

"I can't just run away from home, my mom would kill me. And besides, I would probably get lost, or someone might attack me or I could lose something, or-"

"Yeah yeah I know a bunch of bad things could happen to you. But if you want this so badly that you would even let the people at school see you like... this," she gestures to my awful eye makeup remains. "Then you shouldn't let a couple what-ifs, and parent problems for that matter, ruin your dream of meeting your handsome lover boy," she teases, batting her eyelashes.

I smile. She's right, after all. If mom doesn't want me to go, whatever. I don't need her permission, or lack thereof, to keep me from doing what I want most in the world: to see JCB live and in person.

------------authors note-------------------

Yay I made this one long! It's cuz I had a lot of time on theater class lol. Anyway, if you want to follow my fandom account it's @omg_thefeels. I post multifandom stuff and give credit and things like that. Thanks for reading! XXXX

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