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Jake:"Hey, how was your date last night?"

Tristan:"The same like it was with...."

Jake:"Never mind." He laughs. "Dude. You gotta stop boinking these girls. I'm telling you, one day your reputation is gonna get in the way of the girl of your dreams."

Tristan:"There is no such thing. Stop watching Disney movies."

Jake:"Hey, don't talk shit about my Disney movies. Personally I think Belle is hot. I would so bang her."

Tristan:"Dude your so gay! The worst part about it is that I'm sure that you know every word to the songs."

Jake:"And I'm proud of it."

Tristan:"Set up the Xbox and let's play Gears of War, bitch."

Jake:"Anything for you buttercup."

Tessa comes down fixing herself.

Tristan:"Did your boyfriend climbed out the window safely?"

Tessa:"Fuck you Tristan....and yes he did."

Jake:"Tessa, when are you gonna let me tap that ass?"

Tessa:"Don't lose hope Jake. Maybe one day when I'm dead, you can have your way with me."

Jake:"Ouch, but sounds like a plan. Just so you know, I'm gonna bang the life right back into you."

Tristan:"Ha! That shit is funny."

Jake:"I have a question Tessa."

Tessa:" What is it?"

Jake:" Your dad is a detective and he doesn't know about your sexual activities?

Tessa:"I know how to play the game."

Jake:"Well the way that I see it, your game sucks cause that only means your boyfriend is bad in bed if he can't make you scream in pleasure."


Tessa:"God fuck yourself Jake, haha....Damn that was a good burn." She laughed.

Jake:"If you want we can go up to your room right now and I can give you all the rug burns you want."

Tessa:"That's the scary part Jake. Your STD's burning me."

Tristan:"HA, BURN!"

Tessa:"I'm gonna make lunch. Do guys want anything to eat?"

Jake:"Once again we can go up to your room...."

Both Tessa and Tristan: "Shut up Jake!"


Debbie:"Ugh, Monday. I hate Monday's."

Veronica:"You and me both." She said annoyed.

They walked the hall together and bumped into Jake, Tessa and Tristan.

Tristan:"Good morning Little Bit."

Debbie:"Hey Stretch. How's it hanging?"

Tristan:"Hanging pretty good. No complaints."

Debbie gives him the thumbs up.

Tessa:"Who is this?" She asked smiling.

Tristan:"Tessa this is Debbie and....."

Veronica:"Veronica. I'm Debbie's bestfriend."

Tessa:"Well hello there. Nice meeting you both. I'm Tristan's twin sister unfortunately."

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