Accidental Not One Shot 2

Start from the beginning

Hopefully that means that right now if something happens to me you'll be with me. 

Nothing is going to happen to you.

You can't promise me that. Just tell me that if something does happen, you'll come for me.

Nothing is going to happen. I promise you that.

Mary smiled at him, and they walked inside. Both of their free hands held angel blades, while neither of the older Winchester's possessed enough strength for hand to hand combat anymore, so they had guns with bullets made of the celestial metal. It had been effective for stopping angels so far. Hopefully it would work on a prince of hell, if only to slow him down before getting Gabriel in there.

Mary was by no means against killing, or squeamish about it, but it was against the nature of her magic, unlike her brother. He would rather do it than put that on her anyway, although Castiel and Farrah would rather them just not kill. But they were Winchester's, so it wasn't like they could stop them. They were legacies in the Men of Letters and came from a long line of hunters, besides the obvious fact that they were nowhere near human.

"Mary," Gabriel called, making her spin on her heel. He was in the doorway, and she was halfway down the hall. Castiel turned as well. "We're already farther than she was." Mary nodded, a little bit of her anxiety disappearing.

They continued to check the house, but it was completely empty. No spells, hex bags, sulfur, emf, people, ghosts, scratches, cold spots, or blood anywhere. It was suspiciously clean. 

They rejoined in the kitchen, where Dean looked frustrated, and was starting to get anxious. "Cas, anything?"

"No," he said, squeezing Mary's hand. "Absolutely nothing." He was obviously agitated as well. "This is my fault."

Sam said, "No, Cas, it isn't. Alright? None of this is your fault. Whoever took Farrah, it's their - Mary?"

She vanished without a sound, right before their eyes, making Castiel's hand clench closed so hard he almost broke skin with his fingernails.

Everyone's eyes popped open, and Cas shouted, "No!" Not that it did any good. "Gabriel!"

"I can't hear her," Gabriel said, his eyes flickering around as he searched his mind trying to find her. "There's nothing. She's completely gone. I can't even feel a connection with her anymore."

Dean and Sam looked at Castiel, who met their frantic eyes with hysteria. "What if I've been cut off from Farrah?" 

"We can't afford to think like that, and we aren't going to," Dean said, snapping into soldier mode. "Gabe, try to find her cell, along with Farrah's. We didn't do that earlier. Cas, you, Sam, and I are going to get Crowley up here and make him help us."

Sam pulled out a knife and reached to draw his own blood, but Cas stopped him. "My vessel can withstand blood loss. Your body may not."

"I'm not ninety, Cas," Sam said. 

"No, but my vessel is still half your age." He took the knife and Dean set to calling Crowley. The blood would be for a lycan summoning spell. The blood of a demon mixed with blood of family - married included. If Farrah wasn't bound down unable to move, she would have to show. 

"I promised her nothing would happen," Cas said, talking now about his daughter, as the blood dripped from his hand into the dish below. "I swore I would protect her."

"You can't blame yourself," Sam sighed. "You couldn't do anything."

"That's the point. I was powerless. I should've done more research before bringing them into this." He looked up to where Gabriel was sitting in the living room on a laptop, typing away. "I brought them into a dangerous situation without thinking, and now my daughter is missing, unbound from her brother."

"Cas," Sam sighed.

"What did the poor fallen angel do now?" Crowley said with a smirk.

"Farrah and Mary are missing," Dean said. "Get your blood in that dish."

"You think you can tell me what to do?" Crowley narrowed his eyes at Dean. "You aren't as young as you once were. I can kill you just by touching you."

"I can kill you with less than that," Gabriel called lazily from the next room.

Crowley sighed and closed his eyes. "Of course. The second-generation lycan. Wouldn't dream of hurting him," he called in. Gabriel spared a glance up to look at him and scoffed. 

"No, you won't." Gabriel lifted one hand and snapped his fingers. Crowley, against his own will, sliced open his palm and let blood fall into the dish, splashing together with Castiel's. Crowley glared into the room and Gabriel lifted a brow with a smirk. "Planning on doing anything to me, oh king?"

"Never, of course." Crowley rolled his eyes. "Anything else?"

"You're going to stay," Dean said, "and help us find Farrah and Mary."

He sighed. "Why is it my problem that they've gotten themselves kidnapped?"

Suddenly Crowley was against the wall. Gabriel stood up, his eyes flashing red. "It's your problem because that's my mom and my sister. It's your problem because if you don't try to find them, I'm going to snap my fingers and you're going to explode in a cloud of dust." Now in front of him, Gabriel smiled. "It's your problem because you don't want to get on my bad side."

Sam chuckled. "Trust me, you really don't."

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