Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Ready? I'm taking us a half-mile west of the town."

Placing his hands on the wheel, Dean nodded, and Farrah flew the three of them, the car, and everything inside it to exactly a half-mile west of the small town Cas was being held in.

"Let's go."

The drive started out silent, though Farrah and Sam were busy arranging their weapons and making sure they had everything they needed. About two minutes from the warehouse, Farrah jolted. "Oh no."

"What?" Sam asked, spinning anxiously in his seat to see her. Dean glanced back through the rearview mirror too.

Her mouth opened and closed twice before she pushed out the words, "Crowley made bullets out of the angel blade. No, not bullets...oh my gosh..." Her insides were burning, and she raised a shaky hand to her blistering lips. "He melted it, and he's pouring it down Castiel's throat." Tears rose to her eyes.

Even Dean was astonished. As he stopped the car and turned around to make sure she wasn't going anywhere, Farrah flew away. Now that she knew where he was, she wasn't going to allow Crowley to torture him. She'd do anything to stop him.

Trying to keep her legs and arms steady, Farrah stood before a small condemned warehouse. Because the building was warded only against angels, Farrah stepped easily over the threshold. "Crowley! Step away!"

Crowley held up his hands, back facing her, and slowly turned around. "Farrah, no!" Castiel pleaded, his voice weak and gravelly. But she couldn't see him yet.

"Quiet, giraffe. I wanna see what squirrel jr. does."

"Release him! Now!" she demanded. Her heart was racing unhealthily, and she started to realize that maybe running away from the boys hadn't been a good idea.

He smirked. "No-can-do, chipmunk." He pulled a charm from his pocket with a handkerchief. "Cross made out of a cursed angel blade and fashioned in holy water. You're as good as human around me."

She pulled the demon blade from her jacket. "I can still exorcise you."

"Not so much. See, if you start the exorcism, I send Cassie to purgatory for the third time."

He moved to the side and Farrah nearly collapsed. Castiel...he was covered in blood from head to toe, his face was blistered and burned, and no matter what he did to hide it, she could see the agony in his eyes; even though she could no longer feel the affects of the torture, he could. She could tell that even breathing was laborious and difficult.

In response to Crowley, she dropped the knife. "What do you want?"

Don't! Farrah, he wants you!

Good thing I brought backup then.

On cue, Sam and Dean burst in. "Crowley! Let him go!" Sam exclaimed.

"How about a deal? I let your precious angel go, in exchange for the most rare and powerful creature in existence."

"No deal," Dean said immediately.

Farrah cast her eyes sadly at her angel and sighed. Should she do it? He shook his head quickly side to side, and though she could feel and see how badly it hurt him, he continued to do so.

"Or," she suggested darkly, "you let Castiel go before we kill you."

"Kill me?" he scoffed. "You wouldn't do that."

"And why not?" she asked, stepping closer despite her father and uncle's protests.

"Because I'm your father."

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