2.Birth of love

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Since the previous chapter was short I wanted to give you guys this chapter.

"The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.''

Hope you enjoy!

15 years later....
The girl looked at herself naked in the mirror and held the little fat that stuck out of her body. She stood on the side as though she was being photographed from all angles and murmured under her breath "first world problems" and then sighed.

"May, you're not even fat, you're perfectly healthy and need to get your arse downstairs or I'm leaving without you to school. I hope that is not what this comes to, it's the first day of school it will be social suicide if I walk through those school gates by myself--"

May rolled her eyes then said,"Okay, I'll be out soon, give me like five minutes."

"That's what my mum always says to me when she has just got out of bed and it's time for church, hur-"

"Okay, bye I'll be out in five minutes" She said ending the conversation line and the call simultaneously.

She grabbed a grey long sleved turtle neck, black shorts, her back pack and trainers, then,headed out of the house to see her bestfried Polly humorously stare at her watch then smile with her arms outstreched for a hug.
They hadn't seen each other for the whole of the summer break and were complimenting each other on their new haircuts and clothes the whole walk over to Heaven high.

Upon arrival, they began to exaggerate inhaling and exhaling violently to express how they were already tired of school and wanted another break which was followed by their youthful laugher.
The friends didn't have anyone else and kept to themselves, it was easier as there was less drama and more focus on each other and their exams. See, Polly and May, enjoyed exams because they found time each day to focus subjectively on their exams so they could both get into Oxford Med and succseed as impressive surgeons.
However, while they were still in the last year of high school they had to study.

The bell went at quarter to 8 and the cluster of students became groups that poured into classrooms for their first period.

For May, it was Biology.
For Polly it was History.

Mrs Welland, their biology teacher, had gotten married over the summer and her dreary attitude was proberly going to change into a more upbeat one.

However, today, five minutes after the bell, a Man with blonde hair and blue eyes stood at the front of the class smilling confidently as the students poured into the classroom. May, and students alike, couldn't help but notice his attractive appearance and continued stared at him as they took their seats.

"Good morning class, I am Mr Samuel, the new Biology teacher here a Heaven high."
He said smiling and moving around the front of the room.
"Hi" the class murmured unenthuthiastically, which made him smile harder. May (sat at the front) and could have sworn she heard him laugh under his breath. A pure laugh that delighted her internally.

"For today's class, we are going to be able to describe and explain what haemostasis is.
For your first task, I want you to, with your partner, complete the work that is on the board. I understand it is the first day back but please refrain from thinking you can slack off in my class."

He watched as everyone got into their pairs starting from the back then scanning all the students till his eyes landed him to the front.
It was then he realised the girl with natural platted afro hair was without a partner. This was the first time he had realise she was in the class but it was like no one else was in the class with them anymore. He walked carefully up to her and decided to partner himself up with her as the other students watched jealous because they had tried to get his attention by loosening their shirt buttons and bitting their pens sexually.

"Hi," he said, reaching his hand out to shake hers. She lifted it slowly starring into his eyes lusting his body.
'His hands were cold' she thought to herself while also 'not wanting to let go'.

"Hey." She responded simply.

"Since you have no partner, we will work on this together. So let's begin shall we?"



The lesson dragged on for the rest of the class as they watched May and Mr. Samuel laugh and talk, yet still finish the work before everyone else.

"Thankyou sir" May said watching herself place the pens and highliters that littered the table into her pencil case.

"You're welcome, great things are going to happen if you just stay focused on your books."

"Don't need to give me that speech, my mum gives it to me all the time at home." She says which erupts their laughter.

"Hey, if you ever need anything just ask me, I'm here for you."

Had this been any other teacher May would have already got a weird feeling but it hadn't, it had been him. He was beautiful; smart , funny (for a teacher).

"Well, I was looking for a tutor, as we are in our final year and I wanted to really reach for one hundred percent in at least five exams."

He stared at her amazed at what had just came out of her mouth. He had seen many students come and go but never one that wanted to get 'at least one hundred percent in five exams.'

"I'll ask around; see if I can find you anyone capable of pushing you that far, it's no problem"

"Actually... I was kind of hoping it would be you...
My mum and I have been searching for one but no one seems to be the perfect fit. As you have already proven that you are able to make haemostasis fun, I suppose it'll lighten up revision for me." He smiled pushed his hair behind his ear and dropped his head.

"I'm sure there are many other tutors that can do that."

"Yes, but not as great as you, it's been an hour, the work was sure to have brought us to the end of the period, yet, with you as my partner, we have completed the work with twenty minutes to spare."

He looked at his watch then back to her hopeful brown eyes.

"We'll pay you of course" She adds smilling looking deep into his eyes. She bites her lip nervous he would reject her as he was taking too long to respond, he just stared.

"Okay." He answered lifting his head to let out a deep breath closing his eyes in surrender.
She smiled got up to put the scrap paper in the recycling bin and returned to her seat where Samuel had left to go and discuss the task with the other over lusting students. She turned around to stare at him one last time guessed his age to be around '21' then turned back around to read over her notes.

Suddenly, a bell erupted screaming it's presence around the whole school. It was not the 'next period bell' because that hadn't been scheduled for another 15 minutes. Realising this, May turned to face the classroom windows overlooking the school and saw flames that had birthed in History, where Polly was...

Oml! Can't wait for the next chapter too much suspense...
What is going to happen to Polly???
How will May's new tutor pan out????? (Questions.....)

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