"Damn, we lost her!" "It's your stupid fault! If she hadn't seen you, we wouldn't be here!", "Even before she saw BEN, she seemed hesitant to go home, as if she had felt us" "Don't be stupid, it's not like she can smell us or something!", after saying that, we continued running, trying to catch her.

ि०॰०ॢी Your POV ि०॰०ॢी

When I felt other presences near me, I climbed on a tree and remained silent. A few minutes later, I saw three people passing by and stopping in front of the tree where I was hidden. I couldn't see them well because I was almost at the top of the tree, I could only see that the one had black hair and a skin as white as his hoodie, the second one was blond and wearing a kind of green suit and the third one was dressed all black and seemed to wear a blue mask. Let's just call them White, Green and Blue.

'They seem to be looking for something, could it be me? But why? They don't seems to be scientists so what do they want?' I thought as I bent my head to see what they were doing, 'Okay, so White and Blue are talking ...Wait a second... Where is Green !?'

"Hey there~" I raised my head to meet Green staring at me with his black and red eyes and a psychotic grin, I was so surprised that I fell off the tree. Being half cat, I fell back on my feet and my hands with just a few bruises. I lifted my head and saw White and Blue staring at me, without losing a minute, I ran in the opposite direction.

??? POV

I was talking to Jeff when I heard branches broke, I lifted my head and saw someone fall from the tree. Surprisingly, this person landed on her feet and hands like a cat. I looked at her, she was wearing a black hoodie, black jeans with black sneakers, her hood was covering her face. She looked at us and ran away, "Shit, she's running away again! BEN, get out of there and warn the others!" 'She runs very fast for a human' I thought as we chased her afterwards.

ि०॰०ॢी Your POV ि०॰०ॢी

I ran as fast as possible, feeling people chasing me, I dodged the trees, jumped over the roots and the stones. 'I have to get out of these woods at any price, but where can I go? My house? No if they know where I live I can't go back there. At Emi's house? No I can not embark her in this matter, it would be too dangerous for her.' My thoughts were interrupted when I felt close presences in front of me, I turned to the right and ran faster.

I ran a few minutes before being lifted by my feet by something, I looked and saw sorts of electrical cables? "Wow, you ran pretty fast" I looked at the floor to see White and Blue with three other people, Green was the one holding me with these 'cables'. Now that I was closer to them, I could finally see what they looked like.

White had icy blue eyes, black hair that were reaching his shoulders, extremely pale skin like paper, his eyelids were burnt off and he had a smile carved into his face. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a white hooded sweatshirt, stained with blood. And was holding a bloody knife.

Blue had brown hair and was wearing a black hoodie with black jeans and a blue mask with no nose or mouth with black liquid dripping from the eye sockets.

Green had blonde hair, his eyes were black scelra and red pupils, blood was streaming down his eyes, he was wearing a thing like a Link costume.

One of the three other people had messy brown hair and was wearing a orange jacket, blue jeans and a feminine white mask with black lips and eyes.

The second one was wearing a yellow hoodie and black jeans. He weared a black mask with 2 red dots for the eyes, a red mouth on a frown.

The last one was wearing a grenn-ish, grey stripped hoodie with a blue-ish hoody and dark blue jeans. He had a mouth guard, orange goggles and was holding two hatchets.

I started thinking about a way to escape while they were talking.

??? POV

I looked at the girl, she had (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. "Now that we've caught her, what are we doing?", "You mean now that I caught her! I almost did all the work!", "It's because of you if she saw us and escaped in the first place", "Hmpf" "I don't even know why Slenderp wants us to bring her to the mansion" "I think she's hot~" "Shut up pervert" "Hm-m, g-guys. Sor-rry to int-terrupt your c-conversat-tion but...w-where's the g-girl?"

We looked at the tree to see the electric cables cut and no girl there. "BEN" "What?! It's not my fault!" "How did she even cut the electric cables?!" "Did she had any weapon with her?" "No, I checked, she had nothing" "C'm-on g-guys! The B-boss will n-not be hap-ppy if w-we loos-se her!" we ran again into the woods, hoping to find her quickly.

ि०॰०ॢी Your POV ि०॰०ॢी

As the weird people were speaking, I cut the electrical cables with my claws, silently landed on the ground and ran towards the end of the forest. While I was running, I had the feeling that someone was watching me, I just ignored it and kept running.

Later, statics filled my head, I stopped running, holding my head with my hands, the statics stopped.

I lifted my head and saw a very tall man with a black suit and a red tie, his skin was paper white and he has no face... Or hair (egg skull xD).
I raised an eyebrow 'How can he even eat? Or see?'
After thinking that, the man 'looked' at me, loud statics filled my head and everything went black.

★1639 words★ Very long chapter! (↑w↑)

Hope you enjoyed it and see ya later!

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