Bad Boy's Kiss

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I was walking 'more like running' down the hall to get to my locker my day had been really bad ever since I got up. I step in a puddle from last nights rain, had coffee spilled on me not to mention detion for speaking my mind. I kept walking through the school's rush and necklaces making noses every time I took a step and my hair blowing behind me. I was almost there when someone  grabbed my arm when I turned to corner and pushed me against the wall while kissing me most girls would freak out or kiss back while I just stood there wide eyed asking myself 'what the hell'.  When the person finally pulled away I then found out who was the person who kissed me 'Dustin Skyler' the school's number one playboy and heart breaker.

"He actually did it!" I heard someone said I looked to see it was Dustins's friends who he was always with he soon was walked over to them but stopped mid way and winked and gave me an air kiss and finished walking to give them a half-five while I just glared and walked away while wiping my lips with the back of my hand I walked the rest of my way to my locker and transferred my books and walked to my next class. I arrived at math to find Lori waiting at the door for me.

"Well some looks like they had a rough day." She said while smiling I gave a quick sarcastic smile and walked in with her

"Oh you have no idea." We sat the row just before the back row of the room when soon perv/playboy Dustin walked in with only one of his friends. They began walking to the back until he spotted me and nodded at me me and Lori both rolled our eyes but she gave me a look saying 'he a reason?' I did a nod and soon the teacher came in. He gave us work and we all began it

'Find the slope of x'

I began doing the problem when a note was slid next to my notebook I quickly grabbed hoping the teacher Mr. Doxson wasn't looking and read it under my desk

'Best dare ever. -Dustin xx'

I shot him a glare but that only caused him to smirk at me and I crumpled the paper up and finished my work.


After class was over I began walking out when I saw Dustin flirting with another girl again I scoffed and walked away from the seen he was possibly the biggest man whore I've ever seen. I had went to lunch soon after and sat with Lori. I began telling her the story when a familiar squeal broke me from by story

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh I can't believe you did it!" My other Ashlynne said she had probably found out what happened earlier

"Did what?" Lori asked in straight confusion I opened my mouth to say something but Ashlynne beat me to it

"She kissed Dustin Skyler earlier.!" She said Lori looked at her than me than back to her with a ' are you for real' look

"Not by choice by the way just saying." I said while stabbing my salad I was eating

"Ew." She said with a face of disgust

"I know!" I almost practically yelled Ash looked at us in disapproval she was probably the only one out of the three of us who liked him a little. I looked over to the popular table and saw Dustin surrounded by girls and guys from the football team. Me and my friend were known as the people who known the popular people so we were below them a little in social status in school. I kept looking when Dustin eye's met mine when I realized I was staring and soon turned back to my salad when I heard foot steps come closer to me and looked to my friends faces asking what when I looked at the facial expression Ash was having and she looked like she was about to faint.

"The idiot is behind me isn't he?" I asked Ash was still speechless while Lori looked bored and nodded her head I turned around to looked at him he his hand on his chest where his heart is and looked at me with fake hurt look

"That hurt you know, right here kitty Kat." He said while motioning to where his heart was

I got up to throw my food out but not without saying a couple words "Don't ever call me that, pretty boy."  Ash was still in shock while Lori was pretty much laugh her ass off


I was watching pretty little liars and yes I was a huge fan. As I was watching Aria had kissed her teacher and I was practically shouting "Noo" and "Ewww" When I finally noticed something that happened to me

.......The Bad Boy stole my first kiss

                                                                               This calls for revenge

Hi guys! So I hope you guys like this please Vote and comment I wanna hear what you guys think and if you want to add any ideas that would be awesome- Love_fever_12

Bad Boy's KissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora