Powder, Songs and The Breakfast Club

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"ALEC I SWEAR I AM GOING TO CASTRATE YOU IN YOUR SLEEP AND MURDER YOU!" I said running out of my room completely drenched in water and powder while chasing him

"Hey if your going to kill your brother at least clean up afterwards!" My dad said thinking it was funny, I was already late and this just made it worse. I screamed at whoever lived above. This whole week has been absolute torture. With it all starting with Dustin stealing my first kiss. That boy is a living-breathing migraine, speaking of him I still haven't found a way I was going to get my revenge.

"-Are you even listening to me?" I heard my mom ask from the door way breaking me from my thoughts

"YES!...Maybe.No." I said while she just sighed and said something along the lines of 'I swear these days'

"I need you to babysit Blake tonight, remember."

"What? No way." I complained I was supposed to be going out with the girls tonight 

"Well I'm going out to dinner with Rachel and your father has the night shift tonight." My mom said giving me nothing to negotiate with 

"But, But can't Alec-" 

"I've got practice today!" the said boy said yelled from downstairs I screamed internally why is it always me?


I finally got to the school in some divine miracle as I rushed to my locker and fumbled with my locker combination.

"Crap crap crap." I said in frustration when I heard the late bell ring 

"Double crap." I sighed kicking the locker in frustration when I heard a 'click' from the lock


Ms. Vega where have you been?" Mr.Jones said as I tugged into his class. He was a pudgy man with graying hairs and was always in a foul mood. 

"I was-"

"Sit down." he said turning back to the board there was snickering as I dragged my feet to my desk and plopped in my seat

"Ooo someone's late." Dustin whispered in my ear while I rolled my eyes as we continued on with class

"Class dismissed." Mr. Jones said finally letting us leave class I spun around to turn to Dustin who was placing his books in his bag.

  "Hey I was thinking we can work on the song today at my house. I have to watch my brother today so we can do it then."

  "Sure." he said in a rush while pushing pass me in a rush "where is he going in a rush' of course me being curious I followed him since it was basically lunch. I followed not to far from behind him until he reached the gym and went inside. I looked through the door window when I felt someone grab my shoulder and screeched in surprise.

I turned to see it was Ash looking at me confused while hold one of her ears "You scared me." I said in a low whisper 

  "Yeah and I think you nearly broke my eardrum." she said while continuing to rub her ear "Why are you whispering? What are you doing?" she said while trying to look pass me I tried blocking her view with my body but failed miserably because she was like a giant compared to me.

  "Oh my god. Are you stalking Dustin?" she asked when she finally saw what I was trying to hide

  "What? Ew no." 

  "Then what then all he doing is working out- oh my god he is like a god without a shirt."she basically drooling while pushing me over to get a look I turned around to look and had to say he was pretty good looking. Six pack, muscles damn he actually looks hot while boxing.

  "Now I see why you would want to hide that." she looked at me while wiggling her eyebrows

"Please stop." we looked back through the window to see Dustin wiping off sweat with his towel when he looked at our direction making us both duck down.

  "Do you think he saw us?" Ash asked while looking at me flustered when we both heard footsteps and made a ran for it. Well if he didn't he sure did now


Bye mom stay safe." I said while kissing her cheek as she was making her way through the door

  "You have all the emergency numbers right?" My mom said for like the tenth time on our way to the door

  "Yes now go." I said pushing her out the door 

"Bye Blake mommy loves you." she said blowing a kiss towards him as she walked through the door. I plopped on the living room couch next to Blake

"So what do you want to do?" I asked he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders when I heard a knock on the door

"Door." Blake said pointing at it I nodded and went to get it. Only to be greeted by Dustin at it

  "Hey come in." he walked into the living room noticing Blake

  "Hey little man what's your name?" Dustin said to Blake. Blake's eyes perked up when he noticed Dustin

  "Blake." he said in a five year old voice

  "Cool I'm Dustin." he said with a cheesy smile on his face I could already tell there was a bond growing

  "Blake watch cartoons down here me and Dustin are going upstairs, okay?" Blake awed but said okay and I had led Dustin to my little study/studio

  "Cool room." he said as he walked around it stopping towards the piano near my seated windowsill

  "You play?" he asked while messing around with some of the keys

  "No, my mom does I can't play to save my life." I laughed lightly remembering the time mom tried to teach me how to play. She said a dying cat sounded better than me playing

  "Well let's get down to work." he said pulling out the piano bench and patting the seat, I looked at him confused

  "Just because you don't know how to play doesn't mean I can't." he chuckled I took a seat next to him 

  "So what song shall we do for Ms. Sabio's class?" I asked he pondered at bit while tapping his chin with his index finger 

  "How about Treasure?" he suggested I nodded in agreement and we started practicing the song for a good hour. 

  "Well I think we are pretty good don't you think?" I said with a smirk we were definitely going to get an A on this. Since we were finished with practice I had suggested we watch a movie and after bickering for almost ten minutes on what to watch we finally agreed on the Breakfast Club.

  "I love the Breakfast Club it's such an awesome movie." I said with a mouthful of popcorn

  "A James Bond film would have been so much better." he grumbled in defeat while popping a popcorn in his mouth

When we were through halfway through the movie I began to shiver a little bit because it was cold and the closest blanket was halfway across the room.

  "You cold?" Dustin asked guessing that he must have seen me shiver on his side. He put an arm around me and pulled me over to his side, he was hot literally. With the mixture of the the movie and Dustin's warmth, plus the fact that he was humming Don't You Forget About Me my eyes began to get droopy and I began to nod every once in a while.

  "Go to sleep." Dustin's said softly I nodded and snuggled into his side finally letting my eyes flutter close

"By the way I totally saw you and your friend earlier."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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Bad Boy's Kissजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें