I sighed, looking through the boxes of cans and glass bottles. I needed to find something that would get my mind off of what was happening in the other room right now. Not even my phone ringing distracted me for a second.

Where are you?

Jett's gone too, are you guys with each other?

Ash, I'm worried. Please call me when you get this...

I eventually found some vodka and coke which had been left on the counter by someone. That would do for now. I gulped some of it down, not caring about the states I was getting from some of the people around me.

"Slow down, you're gonna kill yourself." Some guy said, concerned about how much I'd drank.

"Leave her be, she looks stressed at the moment." The girl next to him said. "Maybe she needs this right now."

I smiled gratefully at her but I'm not sure if she noticed or not or if I was even in front of her anymore because everyone was blurred. The lights flashing in my eyes hurt like a bitch.

For some reason, I kept seeing Jett's pained face over and over again. His broken heart had somehow affected me as well which caused me to start detesting Caroline. She was ruining his life and didn't even realise what she was doing. Or maybe she did, who knows?

I dropped the glass I was holding and it shattered on the floor around me. I crouched down to try clearing it a little bit but cut my hand in the process.

"Shit!" I yelled out in pain as the blood dripped down onto the broken glass.

I got up and walked away, struggling to walk in a straight line.

I found myself in the living room which still had at least twenty people in there despite many people leaving already. The music was still blaring and it probably wouldn't stop until the morning. I couldn't even see Sam anywhere but surely he wouldn't go home without saying bye?

The last thing I saw before I passed out on the sofa was Caroline in Jett's arms over by the doorway of the room. She appeared to be saying something to him and that same pained expression I'd thought of earlier was on his face once again as she walked away from him.

"Jett..." I murmured too quietly for anyone to hear as my vision blurred out into darkness.


I woke up inside a dark room. My body felt extremely heavy and I wondered if I would ever be able to get out of bed ever again. The scent of alcohol was still lingering in the air which sickened me to even acknowledge.

I tried to move but realised someone else was in the bed with me. My heart was in my mouth as I wondered about the various scenarios which could have played out last night after I blacked out. Anything could've happened to me from that time until morning.

I slowly turned to the right to see Jett sound asleep next to me, tear stains evident on his pale face. His hair was a mess and he was still wearing last night's clothes.

"Jett." I whispered softly to him.

He opened one eye slowly then closed it again. "What time is it?"

"It's ten o'clock." I told him quietly, trying not to be too loud in case of the others in the house.

He yawned and wrapped his arm tighter around me, burying his face into my shoulder. "It's too early, go back to sleep for a little while."

I nodded and settled down, closing my eyes again. Instead of trying to go back to sleep, I attempted to remember what happened the previous night. Any fraction of a memory would be fine.

It started to come back to me in little bits and pieces but I eventually put together that Jett had realised I'd passed out after Caroline had made her exit. I wasn't sure what happened between them but it hurt Jett.

"Ash. Can you hear me, Ash?" He shook me gently on the arm.

I frowned, my eyes still closed. "Stop."

"We need to go home, Ash. Come on, let me get you up." He said, trying to lift me from the sofa while draping his coat over my shoulders. "Jesus you drank a lot tonight. I need to stay with you next time."

"There won't be a next time." Sam interrupted, staring at Jett intently. "You brought her here and then left her on her home in a druggie's house for your ex!"

"That's nothing to do with you," Jett snapped, shoving past him.

"Grow up Jett. Learn to act your age once in a while, yeah?" Sam shouted after him as we left.

I couldn't walk properly because my legs felt like jelly and I couldn't see what was in front of me. I desperately held onto his jacket, holding myself up as he stormed down the street.

He stopped after we were far away and leaned down, helping me get on his back.

"Don't worry, just go to sleep if you want. I'll sort you out when we get home, okay?"

I nodded silently and he carried me home without saying another word. He skilfully slipped through the back door with his key and dragged us upstairs to his room.

I was placed onto the bed softly and he sat beside me, taking his coat from me and throwing it on the floor carelessly. I turned to the side and closed my eyes again but still faced him.

"It's really over this time, Ash." He whispered, lying down next to me. "She told me that after tonight she never wants to see me again."

I stayed quiet but took his hand in mine to show my support.

"How could she do that to me after all we've been through?" He questioned, his voice breaking near the end. "I'll never forgive her for breaking my heart but at the same time, I could never hate her because she gave me so much happiness before all this."

He pulled the bedcover over us carefully and put his arm around me.

"It's okay now," I said slowly, "you can move on from her after this. It's what's best for both of you."

"I'm trying, Ash. I really am."

Current mood is Jett in a crisis cause I haven't updated in so long. Sorry to those who actually liked this story, I just didn't know what to write for it.
Thanks for reading anyways 💙

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