Dinner With The Smiths, can't go wrong... right?

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I was sat back on the couch between Rick and Morty, watching Ball Fondlers, Rick leaned back after a long laugh and his arm found its way on the back of the couch and it brushed the back of my neck, I shivered in reaction to the contact, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise as goose bumps appeared over my body. My eyes widened slightly as I saw Rick glance at me out of the corner of my eye, he wore that mischievous smirk I knew all too well. He still knows how to play me like he used to, I'd like to say I didn't miss it, but I really did.

He somehow leaned back even more into the couch, eyes glued back to the glowing screen in front of us. His arm slipped from the back of the couch down to my shoulders and his hand lightly gripped my arm, my cheeks burned and my eyes widened but I didn't dare look at Rick, I could picture his face right now, trying his hardest to hide that smirk, that damn smirk. I was so going to get him back for this. I don't play the way he does but I play well.

Beth shouted everyone to the dining room for dinner, I stood up trying my best to not run through to the dining room, letting Rick lead the way. I felt like I was starving to death and my stomach sounded like it too.

I walked through to the dining room and took a seat, Rick sat in the seat next to me, Morty across from me and Jerry sat at one end of the table leaving two spaces, one in front of Rick the other across from Jerry.

A teenage girl who I assumed to be Ricks grandaughter Summer came waltzing in with her eyes glued to her phone and she sat across from Rick. Beth placed plates of tomato pasta in front of everyone and at the end of the table then sat down in that spot to eat too.

"So, (Y/n)? How do you know my dad?" Beth asked as I swallowed the pasta I had in my mouth, Rick glared at me reminding me of the lie I was supposed to tell.

"Oh um, we met at a bar off planet and uh we were friends for a while then we just kinda... drifted apart I guess, different plans, different lives, y'know?" I said playing with the pasta on my plate and looking her in the eyes as I finished, wearing a weak smile. I then looked at Rick who seemed satisfied with the lie he came up with. He turned to Beth and nodded smiling slightly. Beth just nodded, she seemed to believe me, I mean even I would have believed me.

"So what was grandpa like then? How long ago was this friendship?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask I turned to Summer who I assumed asked the questions.

"Well it was 9 years ago and he's probably the same now, stubborn, logical, not safe to be around for long periods of time, y'know normal stuff," I added the last part just to get a reaction from Rick, Summer's eyes widened when I said the last part and her lips curved into a small smirk. Everyone's eyes were on me and I tried to hide my smirk.

I continued eating and everyone stayed quiet after that. It was hard not to burst out laughing. Rick was going to be so pissed.

"So was he like dangerous or what?" Summer asked again, 'God this girl likes digging doesn't she'.

"Depends, everyone has their days," I said not making eye contact and continuing to eat, this family is easy to play with. I made a point to thank Rick in my mind for handing me the opportunity and motive.

As everyone finished, I thanked Beth for the meal as she took in all the plates and Rick basically dragged me upstairs and into his room slamming the door shut behind him.

"Wow jeez Rick ask me out to dinner first, I don't think dinner with your family counts," I said sarcastically with a little smirk, he just glared at me.

"W-what the hell was that!?" He yelled stepping closer to me so that he was now towering over me.

"Calm down I was just playing," I said holding my hands up in defence and taking a step back. I knew he'd be pissed but this is a bit dramatic.

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