The question

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"So what's Jungkook most embarrassing moment?" Taehyung as Hoseok.
"Well there is so many. One time I walked into Jungkooks room and he was wearing a dress whale singing to IU." Both the boys burst out laughing. I wanted to be angry at Hoseok for telling Taehyung the story but I could because I was to happy. My brother and my boyfriend get along so well it's scary.
I served up the dish and put it on the table and we eat and talked about all sorts if weird things. Soon we were finished and I cleaned up the pots.
That evening we watched movies and talked.

I woke up with Taehyungs long arms slung round me. I got up and walked quietly into the kitchen and saw my brother there.
"Where are you going?" I asked him
"I'm going back home. I might as well do it before there traffic. Are you alright?"
"Yeah I was just getting a drink. Have a safe joerney."
"Will do"
He came over and gave me a bear hug.
"Any problems about anything just call me. I am your brother always here for you."
"Thanks Hoseok." With that he walked out the door. I poured me a glass of orange juice and went back to bed.
"I want to do something kookie." Taehyung said in a low groan.
" What?" I said returning to my place near his chest.
"I want to go to the park. Just us too."
"Okay" I replied and we hugged for a good hour before getting up and going out.
We strolled down the path,our hands brushing each other's until Taehyung wrapped his pinky around mine. I held his hand. My head was still cloudy since we got to bed a 1 in the morning and it was only eight o clock. We got to a small park bench in to counter of the empty park and sat down. I payed my head on his shoulder.
"I really do love you Tae."
"I know." I raised my head and pushed him.
"Arnt you going to say you love me back."
"What if I don't."
"Then your a fool." We both laughed and he wrapped his arms around me pulling my into his warm embrace. I nuzzled my head into his neck.
"I love you more than you could ever know Jungkook."
We stayed like that for a while till we herd the park gate open. We broke apart, got up and started walking home.
Taehyung pov
I was woken up to my phone ringing. I looked at the caller Id.It was my father.
"Taehyung come her now and bring your asstant with you." He shouted down the phone sounding really angry.
"Why? Whats happend?"
"You know what happened. I will not have you make a mockery of my bussiness Kim Taehyung."
"I don't know what you mean."
"Get to my house now." Then my farther hung up. I couldn't think of any reasons he would be mad at me. The bussiness is doing well, I am marring Rosé wether I want to or not.
I gently woke Jungkook up and told him what my dad said to me. We put on some clothes and left in seprate cars so my dad wouldn't suspect any thing. Once we both arrived we knocked on the door.
The door was flung open,my angry farther standing opposite us.
"We have a lot to discuss." He glared at us.
We both came in and sat in my farthest office. To my surprise there was Mr Cartwright stood in a corner. My farther followed us in.
"HOW DARE YOU MAKE A JOKE OF MY BUSSINESS." my farther started screaming.
"I-I don't know what you talking about."
"Maybe this would help." Mr Cartwright walked over to the desk and placed down his laptop. I choked on air when I saw what was infront of me. It was a picture of me and Jungkook cuddling in the park.
"There was no one there." I fought back
"Obvisoly there was,Taehyung. How else would they have got this picture." Mr Cartwright said quite calmly. " To be honest I was a bit shocked after what why talked about at the dinner I thought we where on the same page. Turn out I was talking to a fag the whole time. Oh wait, two fags the whole time."
"You shut your mouth." I said in a low growl. I felt and hand wrap round my wrist and pulled me back. I followed the arm and saw Jungkook, tear slowly spilling from his eyes.
"Taehyung stop."
"No Jungkook he has no right to say what he just said."
"He has every right Taehyung." My farther boomed. "Thanks to your and his mess I have to ask you a simple question. The company or him?"

My stomach dropped. My farther was making me choose between my company or my love. "What?"

"Your families company or some wannabe bussiness man." Mr Cartwright butted in again.

I thought it would be an easy choice but I could choose. From a young age I was taught to stick with my family and be loyal to them but I love Jungkook more than any thing.

"Just to clear things up if you choose him you will loose all of your money except a couple grand. You'll loose your house, cars and would both be fired. Simply you would loose everything. However if you choose the company you assistant will be fire and you wouldn't be able to talk to him again. If you choose him you also be disowned by your family. And you won't be able to talk to anyone who works for me."

"Taehyung don't choose me am not worth it. You should stay by your family." Jungkook pleaded.
"There not my family if there so ready to hate me."I retaliated. I could see in his eyes he was hurt but he placed his hand on my cheek to calm me down.
"I'm not having you loose everything over me. I'm not worth it. I know won't admit it but you like this job. I know you do."

" It's a simple question Taehyung. Now we need an answer."

Ending number 1


Ending number 2

You choose. I will upload my next chapter next week.
Also thank you so much for you support. When I first wrote this I didn't think I'd even have 5 people read it but I have over 200 reads which compared to other books seems small but that crazy for me.
I might upload version of the final chapter but there would only be one proper ending if that makes sense and I will also do a epilogue.
Don't forget to vote 🌟

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