The road

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Taehyung pov
I woke up in Jungkooks embrace, eyes still red and puffy from crying. He was awake but he wasn't looking at me instead he was just staring at the ceiling, looking as if something was puzzling him.

I wanted it to be a dream so badly. I wanted to wake up and still have the  choice to marry the person I love out of love and not just for the company. Unfortunately it was the reality of my life. I wanted to cry again, I didn't know how I was going to do it. The only options I had was to either marry Rosè or step down as CEO and I didn't really wanted to do either. I know I didn't what the job of CEO In the beginning but I didn't want to embarrass my family.

"Morning Tae." Jungkook said in that sexy morning voice of his.
"Morning Kookie." I replied. We lates there for a while, I was hugging Jungkook like a koala and he was zoned out.
"Jungkook what's wrong." I asked him stoking his hair.

" How are we going to do this ?" He repulsed bluntly. " How long do we have left?"

" 2 and a half hours." I replied avoiding the question.

" Not till work. How long do we have left as a couple. Tae you going to have to marry Rosé. There's no way around it."

" I could step down as CEO."

" I can't let you do that. Not after the effort you have put into this company. I won't let you do that because of me."

" Jungkook I would do anything to stay with you. I love you and no arranged marriage is going to stop that."

" Taehyung I love you to but maybe it's better if we~"

" No. I am not loosing the love of my life because of this."
At  this point tears where slowly rolling down our faces and Jungkook was pacing around the room.

" Tae I would rather break up now and nobody getting hurt. Than waiting and bringing other people into it." Jungkook was running though his hair wildly and I was desperate to change his mind. I got up and grabbed his arms to keep him still.

"I am not letting go of what we have. I have never felt this way before. You are sometimes the only reason I get out of bed in the mornings."

" I love you too but we can't do this to ourselves."

I became angry at him, I could believe how he was so ready to through this away.

" Why won't fight for us Jungkook. Why are you so ready to walk away and leave us behind."

"I do want to fight for you but we won't win. Your dad will listen to the advise of old, homophobic men. We won't win."

" Tell me you don't love me Jungkook."
I shouted at him. He stoped a looked at me.

"What" he replies clearly speechless at my out burst.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me Jungkook. That's the only was I'm walking away from this."

He stared at me with his mouth hanging open.

" I have to get ready for work."

I stopped him befor he reached the door.

" If you don't come to mine after work then we can break up but that doesn't mean that I don't love you."
He didn't say anything and walk out.

I heard the door slam as I sat on the bed. I knew he didn't have to leave. I brought he so suits to keep at mine so he didn't have to leave. I didn't know how to feel. I he didn't say that he didn't love me but he also didn't say anything. Now I just had to wait to see if he came to my house after work or not. I also had yet to decide with myself that if he didn't come would I go to his house and fight for us or leave it and just walk away like I promised.

Jungkook pov
I got home. Went inside and just cried. I wasn't sure if I could even be bothered to go to work today, but then I remembered that he was going to Rosè offices to sort out the project and to maybe talk about this whole wedding problem. I should have seen it coming. I knew me a Taehyung wouldn't last long but I didn't want to face facts and just ignored the feeling. I felt so happy with him. Tears streamed down my face as I rembered all of our memories. How I would walk up with him in my arms and we would make breakfast together while messing around. How why would have slight arguments and fake wrestle to see who would win be it would always end up with us laughing our heads of. The names we would call each other, the cute ones and the weird ones.
I felt so grateful that I had seen that side of him . The side that Jin would talk about, the way he was before he became CEO. I didn't want to let that go but I felt like I had to. Did Rosè maybe love Jungkook? They seemed very close sometimes and he saw when Rosè got slightly tipsy she nibbled on Taehyungs ear but I also saw how Taehyung pushed her way, kindly scolding the drunk girl.

He got ready for work a went hoping that nobody would ask about Tae at all hoping to go through the day without breaking down crying. Of coarse that didn't happen after he met up with Lisa who had already been told by Rosè about the whole thing.

" What does Rosè think about it?" I said hoping to not souls needy for the answer.

" She didn't agree with it because she has her suspicions about you and Taehyung but also understand where Mr Kim is coming from.

I could help but feel angry at te last part of that sentence but carmens myself down when I rembered that was the same argument that I had for mine and Taehyungs fight this morning.

I had finished all my work and was ready to go and snuggle up with Taehyung on his bed which was far more confitable that his at home but then was saddened at the truth that he and Taehyung where over.

I was close to my  house when I saw the road that would take me straight to Taehyungs house and then I rembered Taehyung were from the morning.
'If you don't come to mine after work then we can break up.'
I still had the chance to feel the happiness I had felt for the past month or so.

The question now is do I go home and move on or do I go up that road and hold on for the ride?

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