Rumors and Party Invites

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jungkooks pov

Mr Kim and I made our way back to the offices together. As we approached Mr Kims offices jenny approached us.

"Mr Cartwright has just arrived and is ready to see you." she said with a small smile.

"Lets just get this thing over with shall we. Mr Jeon can you just grab everything we need it should be on my desk." Mr Kim said turning around to face me, your eyes meeting for just a second.

"of coarse sir, Jenny can you lend me a hand please."

I watched as Mr Kim started to walk off and then started to walk to Mr Kims office with Jenny.

"So what happened to you and Mr Kim. hmm Jungkook." Jenny said with a giggle and a playful smile.

"nothing why." i replied quite blankly.

"everyone said you two vanished and then i find you walk from the roof together. You know Jungkook your not helping with the rumors."

"What rumors?"

"the ones about you and Mr Kim being a 'thing'."

"dont believe them. Mr Kims my boss."

"It works out to be honest. Mr Kim personally employs you, Jin said something about how he needs you -"

"how do yo know about that he said that while it was only us in a lift."

"I'm a receptionist it's my job to pass on personally messages and after a while you here about everything that going on." Jenny said to me with a mischievous smile.

"that still doesn't explain how you know about that conversation Jen."

"the security guard told me about it."

"oh." i said, uneasy of how quickly gossip could go round.

"as i was saying," Jenny continued as i picked up all the files off Mr Kims desk. "Only Mr Kims has access to that roof. its like his special place, he has never taken any one up there before."

I blushed slightly. Why did it seem Mr Kim was always treating different to others.

"Even if you to aren't a 'thing' he still really trusts you, and he seems a lot happier lately." i felt a small nudge from jenny's elbow against my arm, threatening to drop the files.

"Soo, Jungkookie how do you feel about him. dont think i haven't notice you blush every time i bring his name up. dont worry you can trust me, i really do see you as a friend Jungkook."

Just as i was about to answer i was ushered into a conference room by Mr Kim. Inside i saw a bunch of older men, probably in there 60-80, all anticipating what Mr Kim was about to talk about. In one corner i noticed a man who looked quite strange. I couldn't put my finger on it but there was just something about him I didn't like.

After a few minutes of setting up things for Mr Kim, I took my seat and watch as Mr Kim confidently talk about his up coming projects. I would have never believed it was the same man who was a bit of a mess around an hour ago.

time skip

Mr Kim had just finished his presentation and every one was leaving. As they left they would congratulate Mr Kim on the presentation and would wish him luck for the future. I could help but smile because of how proud i was, it seems silly but he was really worried about this and that was probably the best presentation i have ever seen.

every one had left excepted for one man, the same man i was unsure about. He got up and walked over to Mr Kim who bowed to a perfect 90 degrees.

"Mr Cartwright, how are you." Mr Kim said returning to his upright position shaking Mr Cartwright hand. i listened in as i was cleaning bit of paper and files away.

"Taehyung, my boy. Stunning presentation, cant wait to see the development over the next year or so" Mr Cartwright replied in a low voice.

"Thank you sir."

"Tomorrow night i am having a couples dinner and i wanted to personally invite you and your assistant." 

I turned to face to to men and i felt my cheeks go red. Couples dinner with Mr Kim. TOGETHER.

"We would be honored, Sir. Mr Jeon can you ask Jenny to call Miss Rosé and her assistant please." Mr Kim said to me smirking a little.

"Yes Mr Kim."

I then left after shaking Mr Cartwright's hand.

"Jenny" i called as I approached her desk.

"oh Jungkook finally come to answer my question."

I ignored her put i knew i was blushing a little as her face started beaming with a smile. "Mr Kim wants you to call Miss Rosé and her assistant to invite them to a couples dinner tomorrow . He will pick her up."

"Okay." she said slightly disappointed as i walked away.

I went back to Mr Kims Office and knocked on the door. 

" Come in." I heard Mr Kim shout.

i opened the door and walked through to my office.

" You really dont have to knock you know. you can just come through. he said slightly smiling at me causing me to blush.

" sorry Mr Kim. " i said s i carried on walking through to my office.

"Jungkook stop."

i stood still and faced him. "Whats wrong sir."

"You," i tensed up feeling like he was going to shout at me."Dont call me Mr Kim unless were at a meeting or formal event. Please it makes me feel old like those men in the conference room." we both laughed a little Taehyung guiding me to seat to sit and talk about the meeting.

"that went well." Taehyung said to me.

"yeah. I knew you didn't have to worry about it." i replied. it was quite for a moment until Taehyung broke the silence.

"why did you blush when Mr Cartwright talked about the couples dinner."

i quickly hid my face in embarrassment."i dont know why i just did."

Taehyung giggled and got up walking towards me.

" aww did Jungkookie want to go with someone else." he took my tie in he hand pulling me forward from my relaxed position as my face went a bright red. "i hope it wasn't Namjoon, or Yoongi or Jin." he said leaner closer and closer. 

"i dont think i like my kookie thinking about other people." suddenly he sat on my lap straddling me. my face went even redder if thats possible. he then leaned in close to my ear and whispered 

" i want to take my stress out on something." with that he was nibbling on my ear. then his lips moved down to my neck sucking softly at the skin,that is going to leave a hickey, making me let out small moans as my arms wrapped around his small waist. taehyung brought his face up to mine staring into my eyes.

"Jungkook i think i-" he was about to say something but i stupidly cut him off

"Taehyung i dont want this kiss to mean anything." Tae looked at me slightly hurt.

"fine" Tae got off my lap and i whimpered because of the lose of heat and walked out of the office.

i didnt no if i did the right thing or not...

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