We Don't Do the Same Drugs No More

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So the song "Same Drugs" by Chance the Rapper was written about his close friend who he used to hang with, but now they don't really do so anymore. I can apply this song to many of my friends sadly. Years haven't been to kind on our relationships, we all grew up within like four years on knowing each other. I grew up to be the Student Government Activities Coordinator (a job that I would never thought of having), one friend became a top tier druggy, another became a long term girlfriend and right after became the bane of my existence. I have no clue what happened to all my friends. It took so little time for us to grow apart and to grow differently. To me, it happened so fast. 

I really miss the old times me and my old friends used to have. Now its just so rough and shit. I have no clue how I'm going to make it out of this one. My friends used to be there for me. All the stupid crap we did as kids we did together. Sometimes I just want to forget so I don't have to miss them so much. I mean, I do try to make contact with them, but it would end up as some sort of confrontation or empty text messages. How am I going to fix this now....


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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