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People say time will mend the greatest of wounds,  but when most of your time is spent thinking and being bombarded with constant reminders of the past and all the pain you felt, what do you do? God, it seems like most times when I'm alone its torture for me. I think to myself: "You are pathetic. You are worthless. You fucked up.". Whenever anyone asks if I'm alright, I tell them: "I don't know". That's what I feel inside. A motley of emotions and my heart isn't eclectic enough to choose one. I hurt. I laugh. I love. All at once. Time is the greatest healer, that's what I tell my friends whenever they go through shit, but is it enough for me? In my honest opinion I don't think it is. 

Another piece of advice people that have imparted to me is that "Sky, take it easy." and to that I say I have been. For weeks I have been taking it easy. My mind is a prison and I have no clue what else to do. I'm not suicidal, but I'm really fucking tired of feeling like shit. Probably I am broken to the point of no return. We'll see. 

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