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~set to Ke$ha's song. To all who have ever experienced trauma.~

Harry woke up slowly, his mind was clouded with thick anxiety. The jury went out yesterday. Trials were over, closing statements were over. The fate of his entire life rest in the hands of twelve people. Twelve strangers included in his trauma. He wasn't really sure how long he'd been asleep, he'd been allowed to sleep a lot more since the accident. The PTSD panic attack- Harry still couldn't believe that either. This man had caused him so much trouble that he has post traumatic stress disorder. He hoped he'd get put into jail forever.

Blinking slowly at the window, Harry started to realize that it must be later in the day than he thought. He pushed himself out of bed and headed downstairs. Louis sat in the living room. He looked over and smiled warmly at his sleepy boyfriend. "The court called, they seem to have a verdict. I put your suit in the downstairs bathroom, we're leaving soon." Harry smiled nervously, and went to get ready. Louis was honestly just as nervous as Harry. If the convictions got overturned then Harry would have to deal with that forever. He already had to deal with so much. When Harry stepped out of the bathroom, Louis let out a breath of relief and rushed over to him.

"After seeing the whole trial, what do you think? I-is he gonna go free?" Harry's voice was full with worry, and the most unsteady Louis had ever heard it.

"No baby boy. He's going to prison for the rest of his life. Some how, some way, that man is never going to be in your life, ever again." Louis assured, bringing Harry into a hug, before picking him up and taking the both of them to the car. The two were driven with the rest of the "crew" (Anne, Jay, and Mark, the common group to go anywhere for the past couple of months) in utter silence. Everything seemed to go in slow motion for Harry when the car pulled up, yet it was so fast that he almost began to panic.

The car rolling to a stop, then being put into park. The clicks of seat belts being undone, the flapping wings of a pigeon flying over the car. The click of his mum's heels hitting the hard pavement of the parking lot. The cold, crisp air stinging his skin as he emerged from the car in all trepidation. The whooshing of the air coming from the car door being shut, and the snap of it locking tight. Louis' shoes crunching on the gravel as he walked around the car. "Together?" He asked Harry, holding out his hand to the boy. Harry looked down at his extended arm, then up to the courthouse, then back down at Louis' arm. With one final deep breath on the outside of the walls, he gently took the hand outstretched to him. Harry nodded slowly, curls bouncing ever so slightly. His pink lips parted a little, bright in contrast against his pale skin, and he let out a nervous breath.

"Together." He was ready. The boys led their mums and Louis' step father into the presence of the jurors, and for the last time, they all hoped, Derek. Harry boldly stepped up to his table with Mark. They stayed standing for the judge. As she walked in, and they could both have a seat, Harry found himself frozen standing up.

"Is there something you'd like to say Mr. Styles?" Harry was brought out of his nervous trance, and he nodded slowly.

"For years I had to work a job so I could escape with my mum. I switched jobs and had to keep working to get away. I never thought I would get out. I-I... I just want today to go well, so I can stop going through a constant hell." Harry took a seat, and nodded to the judge.

"Right then, the jury has reached a verdict?" The judge asked, peering over at the 12.

"We have your honor." A female stood, a gorgeous black woman with full curls, her voice was more than comforting to Harry.

"On the charge of rape in the third degree, how do you find?"

The woman sent a small smile in Harry's direction, and ran a hand over her blue dress. "We find the defendant guilty." Harry's eyes widened, and suddenly he couldn't process anything else. Couldn't process that Derek was guilty on child abuse in the third degree, or neglect in the third degree, attempted murder in the second degree, or anything else until the judge spoke up after hitting her gavel on her desk.

"After much consideration on this case and careful thought, I must say this is one of the most disturbing cases I have ever been involved in. Because the defendant has been sentenced with two felony charges and attempted murder in the second degree, I sentence the guilty to two life sentences served subsequently, no chance of parole, and solitary confinement for three months out of every year." The judge hit her gavel again, and drug Derek out of the room.

Some things, only god can forgive.

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora