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Dedicated to @whenhazzametboo for her constant support and really long comments.

What Derek had told Harry was entirely too true. The more time that Harry spent with Louis, the further he got 'punished'. The time he spent at Louis' home in February, he was flogged for a solid hour on. The date on that same day that he went on with Louis (where he got to feed penguins and giraffes, and even play with baby tigers), the flogging indents were smothered in icy hot.

Harry didn't want the abuse to continue, no one would. But the date was so wonderful, such a dream come true, that Harry couldn't stop the dates. He started to fall for Louis, and this was seeming like a relationship that was actually going to go somewhere, and he couldn't just give up. He could take it, he could take it.

That's what he repeated to himself over and over. March 12th, Harry had come home from his second sleepover. Louis kept offering, and Harry simply accepted, because he wanted the relationship to progress. Getting stuck in a rut was not healthy, and it was certainly not something that Harry, or Louis, wanted to happen.

Derek had Harry bent over the kitchen table. The boy had just been raped three times over, and was an absolute mess. But he could take it, if it meant being with Louis and being in a real, happy relationship, then he could take it. Derek set down the second dildo that he used on Harry, and lined himself up with Harry again. But Harry could take it, he was sure he could.

The most tired he had ever been, Harry was sprawled out on the kitchen floor. His fever finally went away, and his sore throat subsided. He finally feels well again, which made him elated. What had just happened did not make him feel elated (in fact it made him feel quite sick), but the sleepovers at Louis' home were almost somewhat of a cure. The giant bed, and the big fans that Louis was bringing in made everything lots of fun.

It was like living in an alternate reality, staying at Louis' house. They had already planned a third sleepover, and despite the agony that Harry was enduring, he was already prepared to go to it. When Harry felt able, after laying on the floor for a half hour, he pushed himself up off of the tile and started crawling to his room. Every movement was pain, but it would all be okay, he'd have a night to rest on the 19th, which was really only a week away.

A solid kick came to his stomach, and Harry fell to the floor. "What, you think you're getting off that easy?" Derek took Harry's confusion as an answer, and kicked the boy again. Now that's not too bad of a punishment, except for the fact of Derek's footwear. Steel-toed boots. He kicked Harry again and again, until he seemed to get bored of it.

"These stupid little overnighters have got to stop Harold. If you, one more time, go to another overnighter at Louis' home, I'm breaking your arm. If you continue to not listen to me, your hand is next. Then your foot, then your ankle. Your calf is next, then I'll break your thigh bone. I'll do everything on the other side of your body after that happens. If you still aren't listening to me, I'm going to snap your ribs, one after the other. If your lungs don't collapse by then, I'm breaking your neck, which you probably aren't aware because you're failing science, will kill you. Make your decisions wisely Harry, you've only got so many chances after all. Oh, and dates will cost you a smacking and whatever else I want to do."

With that, Derek stomped on Harry's hand, leaving it bruised and sore, but not quite broken. Harry was crying, quite close to sobbing at this point. He could take it, and he was convinced he could get up the courage to tell Louis before his neck was snapped, but he just needed more time. He pulled himself up to the kitchen table, and slowly went to the cereal cabinet. Pulling his phone out of the cereal box, he showed his body once again.

"M-March 12th. I know I c-couldn't show visuals, so I'll just say it. I got r-raped, four times. T-twice by his body parts, twice by toys. He also k-kicked me and stomped on my hand. I don't know if you heard but he threatened to break parts of my body one by one until I was dead. Y-yeah..." Harry shut off his phone, and went into his room.

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon