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Mark paced around the living room, nearly tearing his hair out. "We're losing this damn case. The jury somehow sympathizes with that dick! All the bullshit they're putting out there is actually being accepted!" He yelled, nearly kicking over a lamp stand. 

"Someone has to tell Harry..." Anne mumbled, before stopping. "Jay, what's wrong?" She asked, looking over to Louis' mother who had tears in her eyes. 

"Someone has a lot to tell Harry. H-He... I got the results back from the testing I did. Anne..." A small tear rolled down her cheek, pulling out the envelope she had received earlier. 

"What's wrong? What's happened to my baby?" Anne asked. The two boys at the top of the stairs shrunk back a little. 

"It'll be okay baby, I'll take care of you..." Louis whispered, holding Harry closer to himself. The boy had started to shake, not wanting to know the results. He was terrified to know what was wrong with him. "I'll take care of you..." Louis muttered, not wanting to know either. 

"I-I..." Jay pulled out the piece of paper, and put her reading glasses on her nose, wiping away a couple more tears. "Based on the results of the testing on H-Harry Styles... It is conclusive. Harry Styles had HIV, but because it was left untreated for too long..." Jay took a deep breath, and let out a small sob before continuing.

"He has contracted AIDS." 

Harry let out a sob and fell to his knees. He didn't bother hiding from the adults that he was there any longer, this was too devastating. "Harry?!" Jay asked, before running to the base of the stairs. The boy was on his knees, clutching his stomach, sobbing harshly, unable to process the information. 

"Baby boy... I-I'm... I-I... Sweetheart..." Anne said, climbing the stairs slowly. The weight of the news was too much to handle even for her, she couldn't imagine what Harry was going through. Harry reached a hand out to Anne, and scooted a little closer to her. 

"M-Momma..." He choked out, before getting scooped into her arms. She pulled him into her lap, allowing the boy to cry out the pain he was feeling. His heart was shattered into a million pieces. No amount of videos shown in court, no readings from his journal, no standing up to Derek would ever rid him from this. AIDS was permanent. 

His head started to ache from sobbing so fervently, he held it in his hands. Bawling wasn't going to solve it but it helped. He was falling, falling, falling, nothing could break this fall. Harry felt like someone took the kitchen knives and drove them into his back, piercing through to his chest. Mark had disappeared to his office, Jay knelt down by the boy and rubbed his back to try to soothe him. 

Louis couldn't figure out what to do. He was overwhelmed just as much as the next person, and he didn't know what to do for Harry. Getting him hot chocolate would just be cliché, and he was sure that's not something he would want right now. He just seemed to want his mum right now, which was absolutely fine, but he wasn't sure what he could do. 

He was the boyfriend, and he had been for the past 7 months. It wasn't a lifetime, but it was the best time of his life. He couldn't abandon Harry in a time like this. A faint 'meow' came from behind him, and Louis got an idea. He picked up Jim, and set him closer to Harry, who pulled the kitty close for comfort. Louis sat behind Harry, and pulled out his phone. 

He went to the local adoption site for their animal shelter, and started searching through the cats. Louis remembered reading something once about a feline disease called 'FIV', which was, in some ways, like AIDS. Now, thankfully for Louis, all of his cats were declawed, not by their choice, but because that's simply how they came from the shelter. That means that it would be alright to adopt some FIV cats. 

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें