Suddenly, the front door jingles with the sound of keys and we all turn to the door as Aunt Saf walks in. Because it couldn't get more awkward? 

"Hello, family. Druett," she shows herself in, grabbing a seat at the table. And by a seat I mean taking Dru's seat.

Now standing, Dru excuses himself, leaving us alone with her.

"How are my favorite niece and nephew doing? Good?"

"Yes ma'am," we both reply in unison.

"Alayna," she turns to me, "I was wondering if you'd be free this afternoon."

"I actually have plans," the sentence feels foreign in my mouth, "So no, I won't be free."

"What do you mean no?" they both turn to me in surprise. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door and I stand, "I have to go."

"You have to go?" she stares at me, my behavior having thrown her for a loop.

"See you later, Aunt Saf," I grab my jacket and make my escape before anymore questions can come my way.

"Hey," I step into the hallway and offer her a slight wave, "You always come to the door for your girls?"

"You aren't one of my girls," she tosses me the keys, "C'mon."

"Did you sleep alright?" I question, attempting to keep up with her strides, longer than normal.

"Fine," she shrugs, "You?"

"Same. Just fine." We reach her car and she gets into the passenger side, putting me in the driver's seat.

I turn to look at her, my gaze falling on her full lips. I can see them on mine in my head, but I shake off the thought. Bad Layne. That was just a dream...

"Do you remember how to start the engine?" her voice pulls me back to earth and I jump.

"Yeah, of course," I start car like its second nature, "Anywhere particular that we're going?"

"Just pull off and make a left." I follow her directions and she starts to point things out to me. Restaurants. Grocers. Stores.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"Turn here," she directs me onto a parking lot.

"You said you want me to be a better adult," she explains, "You should know your own neighborhood. Park here."

I do and look out the window, "We're at the DMV?"

"You drove here just fine," she shrugs, "Why waste my time with lessons? You're rusty but you should be able to pass a driver's test."

She hands me a manila envelope, "Let's go. Faster we get in there, faster you get your license. You can even use my truck."

Faster you get me out of your hair.

She doesn't say it, but I can hear it anyway. Still, I get out, and head inside.

My two second teacher takes a seat at the door, essentially sending me to the wolves. "You're an adult, Layne," I tell myself as I approach the desk, "You can do this."

As I reach the front of the line, I calm down and manage to get someone to test me very quickly. As I slide into the truck, I re-imagine my proctor as Jane, easing my racing thoughts. I replace the old man's, wrinkled, white, face with her acne marked, brown one. From his bare scalp grows a two toned mohawk, soft curls swirling the lines of black and red. Somehow it works, and within the hour I'm being handed my passing test score.

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