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Man, Shaq's Day Out was pretty fun and I'll always miss Miiverse for it's endless supply of Goofs and Laughs and stuff. One guy said something like "Why does R.O.B. move like a killer instinct character?" That's the kind of thing you could only find on Miiverse. There are also some users I grew attached to. To list a few; Duane, Storm, Cheddar, and Brown Bat. Either way, it's was a Gay Ol' Time and I wouldn't have it any other way. - Ryan/FF Lenny

Miiverse is fucking stupid but also great at the same time. Shaq's day out is the best I guess. Idk. - Ben/Doc Louis/muppettumormilky666

"Ye u rite" - John/John.

"No, I'm not putting a quote." - Waleed, our Founder/weegeeisboss

"I can't make three sandwiches." - Vincent's Grandma

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