"Thanks" Liam and I say at the
same time. Liam then grabs my
hand and leads me to a both.

"So way do you live with your
dad now last time we talked
you said you lived with your

I tents at the question. And Liam grabs my hand. "It's okay  you
don't have to tell me."

"No it's fine I want to tell you,
my mum abused when my
dad left, then Greg found out
we're my dad lived and told
him,  then Greg talk me to
my dad's house and said
you'll  be staying  here.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry." I look
at him with a big  smile which
he returns. "what? " he asked.
"You called  me baby." "Oh shit
sorry." " No don't be I like it
when you call me baby.

I than lean over the table and
just him witch quick be came
a make out session. He slid
his tongue a crossed my bottom
Lip asking for entrance which I gladly gave.

Some body  than clears their throat " you Gus make a cute couple, but I don't  want you
having sex in a kid friendly
Ice-cream shop."  Danielle said with a chuckle.

Me and Liam then pull a part.
The rest of the night  was
spent talking  and making out
in Liam's car.

Flash  back over

Our scent date was not as
much fun as it was sweet.

Flash Back

The doorbell rings but I'm to
Comfortable to move. "Come in
I." Say as loud as I could  with
a sore throat. It didn't once
Clear to me that it could be a murder.

Liam than walked in holding
a bouquet of roses. "Oh shit
Liam I for got we had a date,
I'm sorry but I can't go I'm to
Sick. " I say with a frown.

Liam than comes over and
pick my feet up of the couch
and sets them on his lap.

" It's okay baby we can just
spend the night cuddling and
watching  movies." he says
with a smile.

The ready of the night was
full of cuddles , movies, and sleeping.

Before he left he gave me a hug
And said " Niall well you be my
boyfriend?" "I would  love to."
he than kissed me on the head
and left.

End of flashback

Our last date didn't go so smoothly.

Flash back

We were making out on Liam's
couch. When Liam stops to
go to the bathroom.

His phone  buzzed and I looked
at it.

Adam: hey sexy ❤❤❤

I picked up and loved throw
his messages. I know I shouldn't
but I was curious.

When I scrolled  up I saw some
of their conversations. Their conversation broke my heart.

Adam: Hey baby

Liam: Hey love

Adam: wyd

Liam: Nothing

Adam: Oh you want  to come
over and do some stuff

Liam: I'll be over in ten

Adam: Thanks for tonight ily

Liam: your welcome  love ily

I'm not going to continue if I
did I stay sobbing. Before Liam
came out I got my stuff and
and ran home crying. I know
he had a romantic  dinner
date but I didn't care.

When I got home my dad was
there but I ignored his questioning and went to my room unlock the door.

End of Flash back

Ever since  then Liam's been

As you can see Liam doesn't
care, if he's cheating on me,
so what the point of living?

I got of my bed and when to
my bathroom. I grabbed all the
pill bottles I could find. I went
back to my room and counted
How many bottles  I had. Four
I had four bottles. I get two
out of each and down them
with water. Then closed my
eyes and drifted  to sleep.

Liam POV

Niall hasn't been answering my texts lately. And he ran around on out date. That's why I'm
standing  out side of his house.

I knock on the door and get
no answer. So I knock two more
times still no answer. I walked
in and saw no one so I went
upstairs.  I walked down the
hall in till I saw the door
Niall describe to me in case
I ever wanted to come to his room.

When I opened the door I saw
Niall lying on his bed. I walk
Over and see pill bottles. Oh
fuck Niall.

I dialed 999 (is this right isn't know were I live it's 911) and
told them ever thing they
need to knew.

"Why Niall why?"

Do you guys think Niall will  live?

Is Liam cheating?

What will Nialls family think?

Will Harry apologize to Niall?

Also if you guys want to follow
me on Instagram my user
name  angie_porgy

Hope you guys like this story so
fare thanks for reading.

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