chapter 2

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Hey guys I'm sorry for
Putting this at the beginning
But I need some to talk to
And I guse writeing what I
Need to talk about is better
Then not doing anything
Right ? I'm feeling sad
Right now and for a stupid
Reason I texted my friend
(I call her my sister) she
texted back I siad I'm
coming up she said no
this caused me to fill
sad but then she siad she's
going to my other friends
Birthday party witch
Caused me to feel even sader
because I almost always go
to her birthday party and
these​ to friends I just mentioned
are family and there family
like family to me and I
go a lot of places with
them I mean I guse it's selfish
to fill this way since there
family but I got so used to
going places with them it just feels bad not to be invited
I now there family now that I think about it it makes me
feel selfish any how this lead
me to think that were drifting
apart and it's all my fault because
I'm the one how only hangs out
With them on the weekend and
I messed some one on here
Witch made me feel even more
Selfish cuz all I wanted them to
Ask is if I was ok and help
me but I think that selfish
and now I feel bad
I also tried messaging some
elsa one here that mad me
feel even more selfish and
now I'm taking to you guys
Witch makes me feel really
selfish cuz all I want is someone
to ask if I'm ok and to be there
for me I mean I have my
family but it feels weard to
talking to them about this
kind of stuff the one
I did is my dad and he
lives in New York now I think tell them cuz now that I think
about it it seems silly not to
I'm sorry for this let's get one with the story.


Liam pov

Hi I'm Liam James Payne I'm
23, and before you ask no I'm
not sad or depressed, I'm
actually quite happy with

Im a teacher for high school
and I love teaching, oh that
Reminds me I just got a knew
job at a high school in England.

You might be asking why be
a teacher? Well I do it because
I want to help kids learn and
to be honest I just like teacher
Also you can learn a lot from
Your students.

Any how my mom and dad are coming to but there not going
to live in the same house as me,
oh, I also me I also have to
sisters but there not coming
whit us because they like there
jobs to much.

I'm honestly really nervous to
start my job, I'm openly gay
So that should make all the teachers love me especially
the ones that are old fashioned
and don't believe in being gay,
yep that should be fun.

Other then that I couldn't be
Happier, I really want to
make my student realize that
school isn't that bad and help
them make new friends.

As you can see I really like
making poeple fill happy,
my mom always used to tell
me to spread kindness she
still dose some times.

I really love spending kindness
and making poeple feel happy
It makes me feel like I have a
purpose in the world.


Again im sorry for the
beginning and that this part
Is so short I really didn't have
any ideas for Liam expect he's a
teacher, any how thanks for
reading bye.

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