The Eye Of The Storm

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I have made my decision. I will not run away from you. Give me your best. She thought as she unsheathed the small Catspaw Dagger her brother had gifted her. She will face the pack of undead direwolves until her flesh was completely torn off from her. She would try to defeat them and, if the God of Death had come for her, she would at least lower the Night King's numbers and put an end to some of the poor beasts who once were pure and untamed. Not Today "Arya! Run back to Winterfell! There are too many!" She could hear her brother imploring her to run away. However, she knew better than to run. "Not today. Not. Today." They were almost upon her. She had less than seconds to observe which Direwolf would make the first move. "NOT TODAY!" The first blow was the easiest, as she swiftly slashed the first one in the neck. The second took a leap towards her that she missed just in time to stab it in the back of the head. She saw the next direwolf a second too late, as it bit her hip. A deep sensation filled her body, almost immobilizing her for a moment. As that same wolf pushed her to the ground, she was able to lift her dagger and penetrate its chest.

There was still more than half of the pack left and her ability to move had been severely limited. She found herself unable to stand. "Get on with it! I have been waiting for you, beasts!" As the remaining direwolves advanced to attack, she felt some running footsteps from her back. A gigantic war hammer with dragonglass details was the first thing she could see. It swung against the direwolf and lifted the animal tossing it already dead in mid-air. When she looked back, she could not believe what she was seeing. "GENDRY?"

He was stronger than he used to be and his face exposed an anger she had never seen in his friend. He was a grown man and he was fearless. As she tried to stand up to help him, he continued to fight them off. He was skilled, but there were too many direwolves and she knew they could only hold them a little longer before being torn apart by their undead fangs and claws. "My lady! Run while you can!" Even if she could run, she still would not have done it. His brother was still on the other side of the wall of ice. One direwolf bit the Warhammer, which sent him and Gendry on a tug of war, trying to gain a hold of his weapon. There is no possible way we can live through this.

A piercing howl in the distance made her spine shiver. She still recognized it. That was her girl, that was her Nymeria. She looked over her shoulder to find Nymeria and her pack of wolves charging towards the battlefield. A second howl from Winterfell replied. A feral Ghost joined them in the charge. "You came back. Thank you, girl". In an instant, the direwolves arrived to fight. The sounds of their growls fighting each other were ferocious and frightening. She saw Ghost trying to break the wall, reaching out for Jon. It broke her heart, seeing her brother and not being able to help him. "Gendry, take her and get out of here!" All her thoughts were ravaged in a move, when Gendry lifted and carried her away from Jon. "We have to go My lady." What? No. We cannot. "WAIT! JON! We have to help him!" Gendry started to run towards Winterfell.

Her cries and screams, her punches and kicks did not slow him down. "There is nothing we can do, Arya! We can try to reach the Queen and tell her to save him with her dragon, but we cannot help him by ourselves!" Her brother, alone against the White Walkers. The last thing she saw before her view had faded due to the white winds was Ghost finishing off the last of the wight direwolves while Nymeria was on the ground, motionless, breathless, dead. Her girl sacrificed herself and her pack for me. She deserved much more than that death. Her heart was falling apart with the thought of losing Nymeria and Jon, her companions and most loyal friends. After all these years, she was losing her family yet again. Her brother. Her wolf. Again, she felt too helpless to do anything. Even after everything she went through, there was nothing she could do.

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