The King's Greeting

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The image she had created in her mind of it was massive. This was the home of House Stark, one of the most important families in the seven kingdoms. She had imagined a majestic view, particularly after seeing the impressive and detailed castles of King's Landing and Dragonstone. Still, there was a hidden beauty to it, especially with all the snow covering the towers and the landscape. This white artistry made her forget almost for an instant all the horrors that winter brought with it. She wished she could visit Winterfell without the imminent threat of the Army of the Dead slowly approaching. The castle was small and practical but looked strong enough to withstand many great battles. I hope it can withstand an attack from the dead.

Daenerys was surprised by all the camps and sieges around Winterfell. "How many people follow you, Jon?" Jon was very distracted taking in the moment of arriving at his home. It was very clear he was excited to see his long-lost brother and sister once more. He told her about his siblings almost every day and she almost felt like she already knew them without meeting them.

After a brief moment, Jon realized Daenerys was speaking to him and reacted to the question asked by his queen. "There is just about the same amount of people as the population of King's Landing." Tyrion smirked a little with this comment. He must have talked about this with Jon. "Some of the free folk are also here, but I was never their king." "But they still follow you?" He fought for them when no one else did... and they fought for him after part of the Night's Watch had betrayed Jon, they fought beside him in the Battle of the Bastards, they were here waiting for Jon because they follow him. Jon let out a small smile but did not answer. He started to move forward, but she stayed back for some time to give him space when he entered through the gates, just as Tyrion had advised her to do. "Are you ready for all the love we will receive from the north, my queen?" Tyrion asked as he reached her on the way to the entrance. "How could we ever be ready for that, Lord Tyrion?" He was as scared as she was, but there was no turning back now. "It will only get worse once he tells them he has bent the knee. I just want you to know what we are heading into, your grace." She nodded and they continued following Jon until they reached the gates. Her heart stopped when the gates started to open and commotion was loose once the people inside started chanting with excitement...

"THE KING IN THE NORTH!" She would never have thought all these men were waiting for him in this small structure. She stopped her horse for a brief moment trying to process the shock of all these men chanting for Jon. As he continued to ride towards the center of the square, they all got down on their knees. Even the children had their swords standing strong in front of them. There was a cramped group in the back that did not bend the knee but did lower their faces showing their respects. She suspected those were the free folk. No one dared to move a finger. They love him... They adore him... she thought as she looked at Tyrion with her heart threatening to burst out of her chest. She could not say the same about their reaction towards her. All the looks Tyrion and Daenerys received from the crowd were full of hatred and disgust. She truly felt like an outsider, a foreigner that did not belong in the North.

Apart from the crowd, two women stood in front of them and a young man was seated on a chair with some wheels attached to it. Those must be his brother and sisters, but he described them to me as children. There was also another bulky man holding the chair and vastly smiling at Jon. He climbed down his horse and one of his sisters came running towards him. Their embrace was magical as he hugged her and spun her in the air while they laughed and tugged at each other. "Gods, you've grown Arya!" The hug was long and beautiful, she almost felt a little jealous she did not have a brother who loved her like Jon loved her sister.

"That one is Arya Stark. The one that was lost for years." Tyrion whispered to her as Jon lowered her back to the ground. "...You still have Needle?" She smirked as she responded, "...and now I know much more than just how to stick em with the pointy end". They laughed and Jon directed his eyes towards the crippled boy. "Bran! You're home..." Jon said as he walked over to him and hugged him. "It's good to see you, Jon" the boy was much less expressive than her sister Arya, but he was still cheerful to see his brother. "That is Brandon Stark. He was always a bit reserved... The other one is Lady Sansa". She was a beautiful woman, but with the harshest look in her eyes that only softened when Jon hugged her.


He was slightly scared about what would happen with the northern lords once he was gone, but he knew he could trust in his sister. After hugging her, he whispered into her ear with a suppressed voice. "Sansa, I have heard all you have done to secure the north. Father would be proud. You have done a great job uniting the North as Lady of Winterfell. You truly deserve to be the Wardeness of the North". Sansa had a shocking face and her blue eyes were staring at him with a confused look. "What are you saying, Jon?" He was about to speak when he noticed Daenerys had already dismounted and was walking their way.

"Please rise, my lords and ladies. I am glad to see you all have arrived in good conditions to Winterfell and I thank you for your unexpected travels..." everyone was looking at him and he saw Daenerys was feeling uncomfortable standing in the middle of the square beside him. If only I could grasp her hand and make her feel better... However, that was not the wisest decision he could pursue. He decided to leave a small distance between them as he addressed the Northern lords. "I have the honor to present Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen, our newest and strongest ally in The Great War to come. We will discuss everything in a few moments, though I need everyone to settle in the Great Hall... I have an important announcement to make". Everyone started to move towards the Great Hall. Daenerys and Tyrion were almost beside Jon. He could not help but look at Dany and smile at her with the gentlest expression.

Sansa's face spoke more than a thousand words, but Jon tried to avoid her as best he could. "Samwell Tarly, what are you doing at Winterfell and why was I not informed my brother was here?" He said while giving him a hug. Jon did not see the difference between Sam and his other siblings. "I bring loads of information, some that are very important Jon. Bran and I need to speak with you as soon as possible, it is"..."I am sure you do Sam, but first I must make an announcement and dismiss the Northern lords. We will talk about this later in the afternoon". Jon interrupted Sam and left him no choice but to wait until the meeting was over. "Sansa, Arya, if you would care to help me with this matter while all the supplies from the trip are unloaded". Sansa cut through his words with the sharpest reply "Surely Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister are exhausted from their journey. Winter is harsh on those not accustomed to it. Let's give them time to rest before the meeting". Sansa made sure to say this with a vociferous voice and Jon was sure that more than a few lords overheard her. Why does she always do this to me? "Hello, Lady Sansa. Jon has spoken plenty of kind words about you. I am glad I finally get to meet the Starks". Sansa looked at her and did not share the smallest hint of a smile. "King Jon, you meant to say" Arya added, looking at her as if she was examining every subtle move Daenerys made. These two are going to kill Daenerys if I do not intervene. "There is no need for such formalities" Jon tried to lighten the atmosphere, but Daenerys just couldn't stay shut. "Besides, I am a queen and your sister Sansa has not used this term to refer to me in front of all the northern lords". "You are not our queen" Sansa said, showing no emotion. "...and Jon Snow is not my king". Daenerys' affable attitude was replaced with the attitude of the queen he had met some months ago in Dragonstone. Gods, this really started off on the wrong foot.

"It's good to see you all alive and well" Tyrion interrupted in an attempt to finish this tense moment. "Lady Sansa, you have grown to be a tremendous leader. It brings me great joy to see you where you belong". Sansa looked at Tyrion and gifted him with a smile. Daenerys' emotions were very visible, she could not believe Tyrion could provoke a smile from his sister. "You never belonged with your family either". Tyrion replied with an ironic laugh. Jon was impressed they got along so well... After all, they were forced to marry each other some time ago. "Where are the dragons?" Arya blurted out to Daenerys. Arya has always loved the stories of the Targaryens and their dragons, but then again... she has always loved what she is not supposed to. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Queen Daenerys" Bran said deviating Daenerys' answer to his sister with a dry, but comforting smile. "I am very sorry for your loss and I thank you for saving my brother" Well, at least Bran likes her. "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Bran Stark. I thank you for your kind words. I really do hope we can get along and you all understand I am simply here to help. I do not intend to take anything away from you". She should not have said that... Not right before I make the announcement that I have bent the knee.

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