Chapter 18: Is this happening?

Start from the beginning

"You love me and I'm a sexy beast!" I wink and run away laughing. I hear him laugh before he starts running after me.

I run up the stairs to my room, closing and locking the door. I run to my bed and jump on it. He bangs on my door.

"Come on Ramina, You know you can't hide in their forever!" He chuckles.

"Watch me!" I yell back.

He laughs and I hear some ruffling.

"I'll just be waiting here then." He stops moving so its completely silent.

I get up off my bed and walk around. I go into my bathroom but gasp.

My window is broken and there are a bunch of glass shards everywhere. I look around the floor and spot a note. I pick it up unfolding it.

Hey slut,

Your probably wondering what happened to your window. Well I decided to pay you a visit. I can do anything I want to you so beware what you do because I'm watching you bitch. Don't do anything you'll regret. If you tell anyone about this note I WILL kill you. More notes are on there way slut. Bye for now.

Yours truly,


I put the note in my pocket thinking. Who would do this? I don't have any idea. What the hell are they doing this for? What if they hurt the others? I've already lost Harry, I can't lose another!

I wipe away a stray tear and start to clean up the glass. Once I'm done with that I throw it all in a bag, taking it to my room.

"You still there Justin?" I manage to croak out. My throat feels tight and sore.

"Have been this whole time babe! You finally give up?" He laughs and I hear him get up. I quickly put the bag in the corner of the room. I look into the mirror and am horrified with my appearence! My eyes look watery and a little red. I look tired and worn out. I stretch and quickly reapply my makeup. Opening the door, I see Justin and he looks the same as before, perfect. Seeing him I feel better.

"Lets go!! I wanna go outside!" I smile taking his arm and pulling him with me.

We go outside and sit by the pool, dipping our feet in.

"So Justin! You love me?" I laugh as he blushes.

"You wish!" he smiles and shoves me. But he shoves a little too hard and I end up tumbling into the water.

The cold water surrounds my body and I kick my feet trying to return back up. My pants are stuck in the pools filter not letting me come up. I push and push but it won't budge. Finally I give up and stop moving.

I guess this is it. I'm coming for you Harry. Bye Sana. Bye Zayn, Emily, Louis, Esther, Niall, Lindsay, Liam, Elvira. I love you guys.

I can feel Justin moving around probably trying to pull me back, but I can't move. My fingers are numb and so are my toes. I open my mouth at an attempt for oxygen but all the water fills my lungs.

The darkness takes over and I can't feel a thing.


I shove her slightly, blushing. I honestly did like her a lot.

She looses her balance and falls into the pool. At first I chuckle at her but then I notice she isn't coming up.

What the hell?!

I jump into the water trying to pull her up but she won't budge. I can tell she's lost conciousness.

I loop my arms in hers and hold her close to my body, using my feet I push off the bottom of the floor. She won;t budge!

I look down and see that her pants are stuck. I swim down and pull at her pants but they're stuck. I tear a piece of her pants allowing her to move.

Taking her into my arms we re-surface. Gasping for air, I put her down on the ground. I put my index finger around her neck looking for a pulse. I feel it slightly, very weak but its still there. I put my ear against her chest to see if she's breathing. SHE ISN'T!

I put my arms on her chest and pump hard. It doesnt work so I bring my lips to hers puffing oxygen into her. I do this a few times untill finally giving up. It isn't working!

This is all my fault! I had to push her into the pool! God I'm such a idiot! I sob loudly hiding my face in my arms.

Then theres this weak cough. I bolt up looking at Ramina, laying there coughing water up. SHE'S OK!

I hurry to her side taking her in my arms lightly.

"Are you ok Ramina?" I whisper, stroking her pale face..

She just closes her eyes and breathes in and out heavily.

I gently pick her up and carry her back inside. We were both soaking wet and she was shivering in my arms.

I lay her down on the couch and go to get her some new clothes. I honestly don't care about anything but Ramina right now. I just take a big shirt and sweatpants for her. When I get back down stairs she's still shivering, but slightly less.

"Ramina, babe can you go change?" I whisper pulling her up into a sitting position.

"Yeah, I'll be right back. Thank you Justin." She croaks out, smiling slightly.

I just nod and help her up. This all my fault. I take her to the bathroom and close the door behind her.

She changes and comes out looking slightly better. She isn't shivering as much as before.

We go and sit on the couch and I put my arm around her, cuddling her into my body.

Right then, her front door opens and a girl with dark brown hair and eyes walks in holding hands with a boy with red hair and green eyes.


I know it's crappy.. *le sigh* but I'll try and make it a little more interesting for the next chapter! (:

I'm sorry I didn't update earlier! I've been kinda busy but I will start updating earlier from now on PROMISE! Haha I hope you guys like the story so far! (: xx

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