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Y/N's P.O.V:
Straight away after Jungkook had told me the news about HT I ran as fast as I could to the infirmary almost tripping a few times down the hallways as I got a few curious stares. I slammed the door open to find HT half awake lying down in one of the beds staring directly at me extremely confused with my uneven breathing and worried expression. "What are you doing here??" His slow voice whispered almost impossible to hear. I regained my posture as a carefully made my way over to sit near his bedside while giving him a little yet warm smile, trying to make him feel comfortable. "Considering that I'm you nurse and your friend I thought I better come check on you and try to see what exactly happened within the bathrooms" I looked at him in the eyes while giving his hand a little squeeze, laughing at his shocked expression. His eyes looked down at our hands holding one another's then looked back up at my face "I-I was just a little upset with myself and I took my anger out on the mirror which I soon realized was a terrible idea..." his eyes dropped down again to our hands and started examining his bruised knuckles, guilt banged within my heart as I saw him like this and I placed my hands carefully over his knuckles "as long as you are okay I don't care, but I do have something I would like to ask you..."
HT eyes raised back up to my level as he nodded to imply that I can carry on
"HT, what were you doing on the fourth floor?" My eyebrows creased together as I saw some sadness enter the depths of his eyes, but were soon replaced with confusion,
"I don't even know myself to be honest with you Miss Y/N, the only thought I can remember being passing out is that I needed to find someone very important to me but I have no clue who..." he began to sit up as he got even more confused with his own actions, I watched as he grabbed his head in frustration as if trying to figure out what was swiped away from his memories. Out of nowhere HT began screaming while hitting his head like a madman, instantly I gently pulled away his hands from causing any more harm while trying to calm him down.
"Hey, it's okay, we can figure it out together when your feeling a lot better I promise you now. But at the moment I just want you to get some rest for a little while and I swear to you know I will come back so we can figure out who you wished to see, deal?" I placed our my pinky finger waiting for him to shake it back, after a few seconds of thought HT turned back to me and said "deal!" Lying back down on the bed, giving me a huge smile before drifting off to sleep...

A few hours soon passed and I was sitting in my office chair packing up a few of my files and other things which I needed to take home with me. But as soon as I left the room, locking it behind me, I soon realised that I had made a deal with Jimin and he would probably be waiting for me. Pulling out my phone from my jeans pocket I checked the time to only realise it's already 8:45 pm indicating that most of the staff will be home only a few security guards and nurses will be around, which is perfect as no one will find out what I'm about to do. Quickly checking I had definitely locked my office door, I placed my keys back in my handbag and started to make my way down the hallways, trying to not cause any unwanted attention to myself. Eventually I had finally reached the fifth floor, considering my room is only based on the fourth floor I note down to myself I should work out more often, once I regained my posture I began to walk down the corridors which would lead me to jimin's room. But just as I was a few metres away from his room, Yoongi walked out of one of the rooms looking exhausted and shocked to see me still here.
"Hey y/n, how come you are here at this time of night? Didn't your shift end about 20 minuets ago?"
"Ah yes it did but I just wanted to check up on jimin before I went home and see if he is feeling any better from this morning" I explained as I made a small smile, hoping he wouldn't ask too many more questions.
"Oh really, well if you want I can come along just in case any-" before he could continue I quickly cut him off,
"NO! Sorry it's just he doesn't really do well with people he doesn't know that well so I'll go by myself" scratching my neck i internally screamed at myself for being too obvious.
"Well okay, sure. Just call me if you need anything, you have my number right." He said giving me a suspicious look.
"Yeah, don't worry I'll be fine yoongi" I gave him another smile trying to convince him. In the end he just patted me on the shoulder before heading back down the hallway. Once I had seen him start walking down the stair case I huffed our a sigh before carrying on walking towards jimin's room. Knocking on his door for permission to enter I heard some shuffling before a small quite voice mumbled a "Come in" heaving yet another sigh I placed my hand on the door knob before twisting it and entering his room.

Author note:
I'm so sorry for my awful updates, I've just had a lot of home issues and mental problems happening lately and I know that's no excuse which is why I'm going to upload as much as I can. I hope you guys can forgive me xx

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