The past

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After I had finally succeeded in placing Jimin carefully onto his bed, I decided to give him rest and head down to my office. While I was walking down the corridor I ended up bumping into Yoongi making him drop all his files . " Ah sorry Yoongi are you alright?" I asked as I bend down to help him pick all the files up. "Yeah I'm fine, shouldn't it be me asking you that considering what you went through?" I looked up at his face to find him full of concern "Y/N why are you here still you should be at home resting, if you don't at least give yourself a break your condition could get worse." Although I don't want to believe him what he's saying is the truth, ever since I woke up my head has been hammered in pain and my lungs hurt every time I try to take a big breath. But I don't wanna say that I feel terrible because then they might send me home and I really don't wanna leave Jimin alone in his state. "Ah Yoongi you worry too much in perfectly fine!" I put on my warm smile and stand up to give him his files back. "Anyway I need to get to my office and look at Jimin's files some more and to also get him some of his medication for his state" I smile at Yoongi and then start walking back down the stairs, but before I could get anymore then a few steps away he stops me. "I have something that might be able to help you with Jimin's case but we can't let Jungkook or Jennie know" he said in a whispered tone. "Why can't they know about it are they hiding something from me?" "I seriously don't know Y/N but I heard them talking and they said that they hid some files away from you for your own protection but I can clearly see that you can handle what ever is thrown at you" he gave me one of his gummy smiles before leading me off down to the basement where we keep all the files for the patients.

When we go down to the last floor Yoongi quickly runs off to his office to put away his files. I sit down on one of receptions chairs while I wait for him to come back. But as I'm waiting I find out that a patient has been staring at me the whole time I came down here, he strange thing is though is that he looks very similar and I feel like I've known him my whole life. Soon enough I realise I have been staring back at him so I quickly drop my gaze for a few seconds before looking back up to give him a smile so he doesn't think wrong of me, but as I look back up I realise that he is no longer there so I try to forget about it. As I'm staring off into the oblivion still thinking abort the familiar boy Yoongi taps my shoulder "You alright down there, you still wanna go down to the mystery files?" He says with a little laugh. " Of course, let us go and meet the wizard" I return my laugh as I hold his arm and we both start skipping along he halls like a bunch of kids.

When we eventually go down to the basement Yoongi quickly takes me by the hand and shows me the way to where Jimin's files could be. But as we are looking through the files my eyes quickly scan over a familiar picture. I tell Yoongi to stop for a second as I reach for the file and look through it, the picture is a photo of the boy from before who was staring at me I try to search for his name so I could maybe find out who he truest is but it says that his name in unknown. I turn to Yoongi "Hey do you know who this boy is, I feel like I've seen him somewhere before" I walk up to Yoongi and show him the file "Oh yeah I know him he had been going to this institution for 5 years now but no one actually knows his name his just prefers to be called 'HT' he actually doesn't have a psychologist so maybe you could ask Jennie to be his" he gives me a smile while handing me back the files so I could keep them. After another 5 minutes of looking around Yoongi decides that they must've put the mystery files about Jimin in the special zone where the most troublesome patients files are put. I help Yoongi look around the shelves and soon enough I've found a piece of paper giving some more detail on Jimin, I call Yoongi over and read him the piece of paper. "Park Jimin-age 20. He has been diagnosed with schizophrenia since he was 14 years old but when the innocent boy turned 18 his was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder and psychosis. Unfortunately when Jimin found out about his disorders he went on a rampage and said it wasn't him it was the demon in his head and then quickly ran out of the hospital before anyone could stop him. Jimin was missing for 6 months but was soon found in the woods with all his family members dead bodies surrounding him. He was instantly thrown in jail but his sentence was pleaded when the judge looked into detail about his past and his mental state. So far Jimin has been put in every single institution that are willing to help his cause but got thrown out after 2 months or less of being there for killing all the nurses who tried to help him. This institution is his last chance before he will be thrown into a prison cell for psychotic people and never be let out again"
I looked up at Yoongi with a sad expression while he heaved a small sigh . "Y/N i know you won't give up on him because you feel sorry for him but please be careful" he gave me a heartfelt hug and a smile before pulling me back up the stairs with him.

After me and Yoongi separated I quickly walked up the stairs to go to my office and put away Jimin's file with the rest of them and look more detail into finding out who HT really was and why I felt like I've known him my whole life. As soon as I entered my office I found Jungkook in there waiting for me I gave him a smile before quickly hiding Jimin's files with the rest of them and putting HT's file on my desk. When I sat down Jungkook finally spoke "what's that file?" He picked it up and scanned it before looking back at me either a confused expression "how come you have HT's file?" I gave him another smile "well I'm thinking of asking Jennie if I could be his psychologist because for some reason I feel like I know him and have had a connection with him in the past" Jungkook seemed surprised for a second but quickly went back to smiling "maybe you can be the one to finally help him and learn his real name" we both shared a small smile before Jungkook started talking about one of his patients.
But the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin and HT in my head. 'What did jimin go through in his past to become who he is now and why does he kill everyone who helps him. And who is HT to me?'

Psychotic love//a jimin ffWhere stories live. Discover now