A Hero Or A Villain

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Im back again with another chapter and disclaimer i dont these shows Sadly But its True


Jutsu's or spells
"Demons talking
'Demons Thinking'

(After Trigons defeat at Titans Tower)

" Wow you just defeated Trigon" Said BeastBoy "That was soo cool" he countinued with say
"How did you do it anyway" Said Robin "Yes please tell us friend" Said Starfire

"Heh i guess i was too cool to be defeated by him so i defeated him" Replied Naruto "But how did he come here?" Asked Naruto

"You see this gem on my forehead?" Said/asked Raven Naruto nodded "He needed this gem to be revived or i just could've gone there and did some spell's" Said Raven

"So are you going to join us?" Asked Robin "Nope" Replied Naruto "Why won't you join us Friend?" Asked Starfire " I don't want to sorry"

"We never got your name what is it?" Asked Cyborg
"My Name is Uzumaki Naruto and you better not forget it" Said Naruto and he shunshined in a forest

In the Forest with Naruto

Naruto is walking and through the forest and he is enjoys the quietly forest

the only thing that can be heard  are the sounds of bird singing and some animals running
'This is peaceful' Thought Naruto
'It sure is Kit' Said Kurama

1 Year Later cuz im to lazy to write anything

"BZZT BZZT BZZT" Could be heard in the T Tower
"Someone is attacking Jump City lets go stop him" Said BeastBoy
"Titans GO!"

Naruto can be seen in the road throwing cars at building's why you might wonder

Beacuse Naruto didn't want to be the hero Naruto already was the hero of the Elemental Nations so he wondered why not be a villian here

So now here he was throwing cars destroying building's but then he saw those that he saw 1 year ago The Titans

"Friend Naruto why are you doing this!?" Said a shocked StarFire "Well i am doing this beacuse i dont want to the Hero i want to be the villain" Replied Naruto

"No matter we will defeat you and we will protect Jump City" Said Raven "Titans GO!" Said Robin

"Lets see what you got"Said a smirking Naruto


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