Chapter 4: Burn Baby, Burn

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A/N: This chapter is short, more of a bridging variety. But you will want to read it, if only because in its absence, some of the great chapters coming up will likely make no sense.

The skies were clear, the sun shining bright, when Jayden reached the majestic building that is Flinders Station, with all its gloried place in the railroad universe and some of the longest platforms still in active use. He didn't see Brody immediately, and his anxiety about the meeting increased. He was so looking forward to his date with Austin that evening—and so not looking forward to seeing Brody.

As he was approaching the main entrance into the terminal, he saw Brody right by the steps leaning against a side of the building. Brody saw him and waved. Jayden returned the wave and headed to Brody.

"Good morning, mate," Brody said.

"Good morning to you too, Brody. Let's get some coffee. I could use some." Jayden actually didn't need the coffee. He knew he'd likely feel wired for the rest of the day and night. No matter, he wanted a public place in which to talk with his partner in crime.


"No, they're not open, I think."

"St. Ali?"

Jayden shook his head. "Too far. We've got lots to choose from around here. Let's just find someplace, sit, and talk over some coffee."

"There's a place around the corner there, it's maybe 30 seconds away. It seemed a bit busy, and it had some tables outside. Is that OK?"

"Sure," Jayden responded. It will be perfect. Not too intimate, just enough people that Brody won't cause a scene. Perfect.

Within 30 seconds, they were seated outside and had placed their orders. The café wasn't crowded, but there was enough foot traffic outside that Jayden felt safe talking with Brody there.

"So, mate," Brody began, smiling. "How much rooting do you do last night? I'm betting it was a lot. Wish I could have been there to join in the fun."

"Actually, Brody, I didn't get any. I met up with some blokes who tried to drug me. Fortunately, there was a friend of Chez's there who saw what was going on and got me out of there before anything happened. It wasn't the fun evening I think you think I had. You didn't miss much."

"Lost opportunities, Jayden. Lost."

"Look, Brody, I need to talk with you about our case." The smile on Brody's face vanished. Silence. Jayden wasn't sure where to begin. Maybe he should just lay out what happened.

Jayden swallowed hard and started, "My barrister has been telling me of the possibility of jail time. I think she knows that I would not fare well in jail. I asked her how likely that might be, and she told me that she would inquire the Crown Prosecutor. She inquired and was offered a deal. The deal is basically that I testify against you. I don't know why they offered the deal to me, but they did. Maybe it's all the stolen electronics they found in your bedroom a few weeks back. Again, I don't know. All I do know is that my barrister recommended I take the deal. No jail time. She practically begged me to do it."

Brody looked at Jayden with his eyes starting to squint. The muscles in Brody's face were tensing, the prominence of his jaw clearly visible, and Jayden felt grateful they were in a crowded public space that would force Brody to reign in that awful temper of his.

Continuing, Jayden said, "It's not something I'm doing to screw you, Brody. Far from that. I'm just trying to remain alive, to stay out of jail. I hope you understand. I'm sorry to have to do this to you."

Brody looked around. He was seething at first, then calmed down. Jayden first looked at him and then bowed his head. When he looked up again, Brody responded, "Jayden, I hope you remember I have that video you made of Chezdon's dick, of you looking down his underwear while he was sleeping. I doubt he'd be pleased if I posted it on the net and identified him."

Jayden wasn't happy at the prospect, but he'd already considered the possibility of this happening. The saving grace was that there was nothing in the video identifying Chezdon. Not like that photo where his pubes showed with his face. And he was grateful that Chezdon hadn't been wearing those Superman boxers. Chezdon might identify with them (how many Superman boxers were ever bought?)—though the odds were against it. Besides, the birthmark wasn't visible. Fortunately. No one could prove exactly who it is.

"Brody, I can't stop you from doing that, but I don't think it will do you much good. For one thing, no one can ID Chezdon from it. It's not of much use for blackmail. Will it hurt me? Maybe. But not so much that it will stop me from moving forward. So if you want to post it, go ahead."

Brody tried to hide his frustration, but he was unsuccessful. He thought about threatening Jaden with physical harm, but between his own size, his level of maturity (lacking the muscular development of a mid-teen), and the presence of a crowd in the café (never mind the sidewalk), there wasn't a chance to do so. And it seemed unlikely Brody would ever see Jayden again.

For a moment, there was silence at their table. Jayden knew better than to say anything, and Brody had no idea what to say given how angry he was. For Jayden, watching how angry Brody was—not that Jayden expected otherwise, plotting an exit from the café had become the singular task at hand. He knew he could outrun Brody. Though Jayden knew he could manhandle Brody if the latter were to pursue him, he didn't want to have to engage in an altercation, never mind physical conflict.

For his part, Brody kept looking at Jayden with a mixture of anger and contempt. He then said, "Damn you, Jayden. You fucking coward. Bloody coward. What a shitty excuse for a man. Make that boy. A miserable living turd. I should have known better than to trust someone dressing like a slut. Do you even realize what you're doing to me?" The two occupants of an adjoining table now looked over at the boys. One person looked baffled while the other tried hard to suppress a laugh. He was barely successful.

Brody continued, "Judas. That's what you are, Judas. So trustworthy, yeah, right. It's bad enough that you dress like a slut. Well, what should I have expected? You are a slut, Jayden McKenzie. Slut, slut, slut."

Jayden tired of Brody's tirade, and he wanted to get as far away from Brody as he could. He also knew that once out of sight of anyone, Brody wouldn't hesitate at trying to punch Jayden for all he could. Jayden wondered, though, what Brody was so upset about. Oh well, his bridge with Brody was just going to have to burn. Burn baby, burn.

Jayden looked around the café and realized that now was an opportunity to get away from Brody. He was grateful he had fought the urge to go to the cafe on his skateboard. He got up from the table, half-smiled at Brody, and took off down the street. Brody followed him, and much to Jayden's surprise, almost caught up. After a ten minute run, Brody was winded, and Jayden was finally free of him.

He hoped he would never see Brody again.  

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