Chapter 9 - Seriously!?

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After having that chat with Tom when I got back home I did confront Robin. As usual he denied the whole thing and told me how much he loved me, but I didn’t buy a second of it. In the end Robin stopped talking to me… I wasn’t too phased but if he still wanted to put up the ‘I didn’t cheat on you, I love you,’ act then maybe talking to me would be good. It has been exactly 5 months since we’ve talked. It was just a couple of exchanged texts and then nothing from him. I’ve vaguely stayed in contact with Tom. I never brought up Robin to him though. I couldn’t lose our friendship over his stupid brother.

It was a Saturday today and I had to get up early because Shania and Emma were taking me to some kind of concert. I threw on my ‘Queen for the day’ Crop and some cute black short shorts. I tied it all together with a grey sweater around the waist and a Bulls snapback. Shania and Emma told me to look good, but not fancy. I have no clue what band or artist it would be, but seeing as it’s Shania and Emma it would be someone good.

I finished getting ready and heard a car horn come from the front of my house. I grabbed my bag and left.

“Hey girlies,” I say as I swing myself inside of Shania’s car.

“Hey Miriam,” They girls said in sync.

I giggled, “So can I know who we’re seeing now?”

“No! you’ll know when they come on stage,”

“So it’s a band!” I say, Shania hitting Emma.

“Alright, it’s a band but that’s all you’re getting,” Shania sighed.

In the freezing cold we waited for eight hours. The doors finally opened to this small venue and I can now know who is going to perform. The supporting act came out, it was third degree. I was never a huge fan of theirs but their performance was amazing.

“How are you liking it so far?” Shania yelled over the loud chatter.

“I have to admit it’s pretty good,” I laugh.

Shania turns back to look to the front of the stage and music begins to play. It was kind of techno. I was actually so excited to see who would come out on stage because all the girls in the room were going psycho. I started up my phone and got my camera up. I closed my eyes and looked up and to my disbelief it was JTR.

“No I have to go,” I said to Shania and Emma turning back around to leave.

“You’re not wrecking this for us Miriam!” Emma said pulling me back.

I took a deep breath and looked back up to the stage. Robin and I made eye contact and then whispered something into Tom’s ear. Tom then looked over at me, he gave me a wide smile. I returned him with a half-smile. I was really not in the mood for this. I couldn’t believe they forced me to this.

I was nice enough to stay for the whole concert, just because I’m a nice person.

“EVERYONE LINE UP!” The owner yelled out.

“Why are we lining up?” I ask Shania.

“Meet and greet!” She buzzed.

“NO! This is where I draw the line Shania,” I said walking away.

“Please! For me,” She gave me puppy dog eyes.

I sighed in defeat, “Whatever but we’re going to be last in line.”

We walked all the way to the back of the line and waited. Nerves filled my body. Why would I want to see my… Ex? again, I don’t even know what to call him. The line started to progress and before I knew it I could see the boys in perfect view. I took another deep breath and began to walk forward.

“HEY I REMEMBER YOU!” Robin said with excitement, his arms wide open.

I stood there in disbelief; I’d hope he’d remember me after everything that had happened.

“Macca’s friends forever,” He continued.

My mouth dropped and my heart sunk.

“Haha, Yeah!” I replied not bothering to give him a hug and walking behind the boys to get a photo.

I stood inbetween Robin and Tom while Shania stood between Tom and John.

“Arlright, 3,2,” Sarah their mum began.

Before she could say one Robin grabbed me around the shoulders and pulled me down next to him and smiled. Brie thanked the boys but I ran into the girls’ bathroom and locked myself into one of the cubicles. I tried to fight back the tears but it was too hard. My sobs echo through the toilet. I knock came to the room and I stopped. I didn’t want Robin to know that I was crying over something so stupid!

“Miriam I know you’re in there,” Tom said.

I wiped away the tears and came out. Tom was standing in the doorway.

“You’re lucky no girls are in here,” I laughed through the tears that had just fallen.

“I don’t care. I just want my girl to be happy,” Tom smiled.

“Tom, why does he have to do this?” I cried.

Tom signalled me over to him and I ran up and gave him a hug.

“I’m so sorry Miriam, I wish this never happened to you. I should’ve said something.”

“Tom please don’t blame yourself it’s not your fault.”

“Well it sort of is,” Tom said pulling away from the hug.

We sat down and talked for a good ten minutes. He confessed to me that he was encouraging Robin to date me even knowing that he was still together with Vicky. In the end I found out that Robin told them that they had broken up in the end but really he was still just playing me.

“It’s my fault and I feel so bad,” Tom finished.

“Don’t cry!” I said wiping away the tear that escaped his eye.

“I promise that I won’t leave you this time. I’m here to protect you,” Tom said leaning against my forehead.


Sorry this chapter is a bit short but this is the last half sort of filler until all the good drama comes!!

Keep reading you won't be sorry xxx


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