"You are very loyal, a good trait, but can you put that on the line for the right path?" The voice said as I saw the ground. It was basically a forest, so I swung on a branch, scratching my hands from the bark. I used the slow movement to land on the ground.

I stood in my fighting position waiting for something to come out. I stood for about five minutes until I let my guard down walking around.

"*Sigh* It's so quiet here..." I glared at the sky, how can I get out of here?


I turned around only to see Sinbad with a grim face, I was about to ask what happened until...


My face facing one side, my mind trying to comprehend what just happened. Sinbad just slapped me... I look back slowly noticing his glare.

"Where have you been?! I told you to be back yesterday, mission accomplished! What happened?" He yelled, glare only getting harsher. "M-mission?" I asked.

He gripped his hair in frustration, "Yes! The one I sent you on!"  He walked away resting on a tree. He breathed in and out to calm himself before walking back

"The mission where you were to kill Mystoras?" I froze. What.

I looked shocked that would even come out of his mouth, "W-what?! He's our friend though! Why would you want to kill him?"

I walked towards him getting pissed, I pulled out my spear next to me waiting for an answer.

"Why are you getting so mad? It was his fault for spilling my wine..." He looked confused, " just for spilling wine he deserves death!?" I questioned, though that is when I noticed something was off.

He has the same look in his eyes as the rest of the selfish Parthevian nobles...

"What happened to you?" I asked unable to believe any of this. "What have you become?"

"What are you talking about Jazz? It's still me, Sinbad. The same one whose been with you this entire time."

I shook my head, pointing my spear at him, he looked shocked. Tears rushed down my face, I glared at him with my might, "You're not my Sinbad! And if you are, I'll stop you! Killing innocent people isn't what you stand for, so to protect your legacy and other, I will stop you!"

He took a step back before drawing is sword. "Fine, if you want to destroy our friendship like this, I'll kill you as well."

He ran to me, swinging his blade. It was sloppy and messy but it didn't help I was emotionally unable to look him in his eyes.

With my spear, I pushed his blade to the ground. He fell to the ground to swipe of my feet to trip me. I jumped using his back for a step. Flipping I got behind him, spinning my spear around my arm, and torso, I gained enough momentum to smack his sword out of his hand.

Leaving him defenseless, I walked to him, tip of my blade pointing to his neck, "Sin..."

I looked at his angry and hurt filled eyes, "I ask once, change your ways before you become the thing you hate most..." I begged..no...pleaded to him.

Sirens Voice (Magi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now